
Tips on Guanyin Culture in Dishui

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Dishui Guanyin is an ornamental plant growing in the tropics and subtropics. Its leaves are evergreen all the year round and are very popular. So, what are the breeding tips for Dishui Guanyin? Let's get to know it together. First, watering frequency dripping Guanyin likes to be wet

Dishui Guanyin is an ornamental plant growing in the tropics and subtropics. Its leaves are evergreen all the year round and are very popular. So, what are the breeding tips for Dishui Guanyin? Let's get to know it together.

First, watering frequency

Dripping Guanyin likes wet plants, so watering is good for its growth, but it doesn't need to be watered every day, just when it is needed. Generally, the ambient temperature is between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius and the soil surface is dry and thoroughly watered. When the ambient temperature is above 30 degrees, it is kept moist every day, and when the ambient temperature is between 10 and 15 ℃ degrees, it is dry and thoroughly watered. When the ambient temperature is below 10 degrees and does not freeze to death, it is based on the principle of dry and thorough pouring, but it is best to pour warm water.

Second, fertilization frequency

Dripping Guanyin grows very fast, and proper amount of fertilizer must be applied in the process of growing. It is good to apply thin fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 1-2 times a month, otherwise it is easy to cause the lower end of the stem of dripping Guanyin to be empty and affect the ornamental value. Dripping Guanyin grows quickly in summer and has great nutritional needs. Liquid fertilizer and compound fertilizer such as rotten bean cake water should be applied every 15-20 days, and fertilizer should be applied once a month in winter. Fertilization should be light and thin. When topdressing liquid fertilizer, do not pour fertilizer and water into the leaf sheath to avoid decay. Fertilization can be applied alternately with rotten bean cake water and urea.

Third, pruning methods

1. Pruning Dishui Guanyin first of all is not to look at the high density of its leaves, but to start with yellow leaves, because this is the most prominent and best place to start, so use scissors to cut off all the yellowed leaves and cut them off together with the petiole.

2. If the leaf is only its edge or partial yellowing, there is no need to lose the whole leaf, because other places are green means it is good, only the yellowing part needs to be subtracted, if the yellowing place is only the leaf tip, then only the leaf tip needs to be reduced, and the rest can be retained.

3. Dishui Guanyin will inevitably suffer some diseases and insect pests in the process of breeding, so the diseased leaves and insect leaves that have been infected by pests or diseases should be selected one by one, and these diseased and insecticidal leaves should be reduced first. then use the corresponding potions and pesticides for control, and finally bury the diseased leaves deep in the ground or burn them with fire.

4. finally, the overall pruning is carried out, and the leaves with high leaf density and too large plants are selected for pruning, which can be cut directly with scissors, especially the top ones must be reduced to remove the top advantage, so that the lateral buds can sprout more, and the curved or drooping rhizomes or leaves with wounds can be reduced, while tall and robust rhizomes or plants can be retained for re-cultivation.

The above are the tips of Dishui Guanyin. Do you know all about them?