
What are centipedes afraid of? What if I get bitten?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Centipede, also known as Tianlong, is a common insect on hillsides and sandy areas. it is widely used as medicine because of its high medicinal value, but it is toxic, so many people are afraid of it. What is the centipede afraid of? What if I get bitten? 1. Centipede introduction: 1. Centipedes have

Centipede, also known as Tianlong, is a common insect on hillsides and sandy areas. it is widely used as medicine because of its high medicinal value, but it is toxic, so many people are afraid of it. What is the centipede afraid of? What if I get bitten?

First, centipede introduction:

How many legs does a centipede have?

The centipede is also known as a hundred feet, but it does not mean that there are only 20 pairs of legs, but because of different varieties, some centipedes may have hundreds of pairs, and some only have more than a dozen pairs. For example, medicinal centipedes generally have only 21 pairs of feet and 1 pair of jaws. Qian Shuizi centipede has only 15 pairs of feet and 1 pair of jaws, and there are 35 pairs and 45 pairs of centipedes, with a maximum of 173 pairs, so the exact number of pairs depends on what kind of centipede it is.

2. What kinds of centipedes are there?

There are many kinds of centipedes, which can be divided into red-headed centipede, green-headed centipede, black-headed centipede, multi-spiny centipede, less-spiny centipede, less-spiny giant centipede, flat-ear hole centipede, Huangwei Island centipede, Peruvian giant centipede, Vietnamese giant centipede, Chinese red dragon centipede, Galapagos giant centipede, Amazon giant centipede, North American giant centipede, Puerto Rican giant centipede and so on.

What is the centipede afraid of?

1. Centipedes are afraid of chickens: people who raise chickens in bulk all know that chickens like centipedes most, and when they see centipedes, they usually run over and finish them quickly, so centipedes are most afraid of chickens, especially after being bitten by centipedes, they can use chicken spittle to relieve pain.

2. Centipedes are afraid of snakes: centipedes are very afraid of snakes. Generally speaking, after being seen by snakes, they eat almost every one of them. Of course, snakes may also be eaten by centipedes, depending on which one can win.

3. Centipedes are afraid of realgar: realgar smells are very sensitive. Apart from snakes, centipedes are also afraid. Once they taste and smell, they dare not approach them, so if there are centipedes nearby, they can sprinkle realgar in corners and sewers, so that centipedes dare not come over.

4. Centipedes are afraid of bent blue grass: bent blue grass will give off a smell, which is not pungent, but the centipede dare not come near after smelling it, so if there is a centipede at home, soak the bent blue grass in the water for an hour, and then wipe the juice on the body. so the centipede won't dare to bite you.

5. Centipedes are afraid of pyrethroids: pyrethroids are specially used to remove centipedes. They are sold in general drugstores and can be expelled or killed as long as they are sprinkled on the ground or sewers.

Third, what if you are bitten by a centipede?

Centipedes are poisonous and rank second in toxicity, second only to spiders. Generally, the first pair of feet have poisonous glands, which can secrete a large amount of venom. If they are bitten seriously, they can be poisoned to death. Therefore, they should be dealt with in time after being bitten. The specific treatment methods are as follows:

Method 1. Find a cloth bag to wrap the wound and avoid spreading in time: find a cloth bag in time after being bitten, then wrap it over the wound to avoid the spread of venom, and go to the nearby hospital for treatment in time. Before arriving at the hospital, do not loosen the cloth bag every 15 minutes to avoid necrosis of the location of the bite.

Method 2, clean the wound in time: if you do not find the hospital in time, you can wash the wound with soapy water or alcohol to thoroughly disinfect it. If the wound is hot, you should go to the hospital in time for treatment.

Method 3, wipe heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs: if you are in the mountains, you can find some heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs such as dandelion or houttuynia cordata nearby, and then mash them and apply them to the wound to detoxify them. If you are at home, you can also buy some external application of Houttuynia cordata Thunb nearby, but it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment.

Method 4. Use cupping to suck out venom: cut some skin near the wound, then suck out the venom with cupping or milk suction, and finally wash the wound with potassium permanganate or ammonia solution.

The above is a detailed introduction of what the centipede is afraid of and how to deal with it after being bitten. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.