
How can bullfrogs, a very popular ingredient, be bred to get rich?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bullfrog is a very popular food nowadays. Its nutritional value is extremely high, the meat is delicious, and the market demand for economic value is very high. So bullfrog farming is a very good project to get rich. So how to raise bullfrogs? The following is made up of the small size of the soil flow net.

Bullfrog is a very popular food nowadays. Its nutritional value is extremely high, the meat is delicious, and the market demand for economic value is very high. So bullfrog farming is a very good project to get rich. So how to raise bullfrogs? Next, let's talk to you about it by the editor of

I. stocking density

The young frogs are separated according to size, and the stocking density is about 100 per square meter. The abnormal breeding of young frogs indoors and outdoors is in the season of high temperature. where there are conditions, the young frogs can be raised indoors. You can make use of empty houses, pig houses, underground civil air defense facilities, etc., and frogs can be raised in shady places. Outdoor potholes, depressions, rice fields and so on can also be stocked. However, the area of the young frog pond should not be too large, too large young frogs are not easy to concentrate on feeding, there is polarization, resulting in the phenomenon of big frogs eating small frogs, and the yield is not high. Outdoor culture has an advantage, can use electric lights to trap moths, using the combination of natural bait and artificial feed feeding method.

Second, temperature

When raising young frogs indoors and outdoors, we should pay attention to the prevention of heat and cold. The optimum growth temperature of bullfrog is 22C~28C. During the feeding period, the highest temperature should not exceed 35C and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 20C (except hibernation). Therefore, in the hot season, frog ponds should be properly shaded, such as melon shed, grape trellis, tree shade and so on. Doors and windows should be opened and ventilation should be kept in the room. In winter, young frogs are not resistant to low temperature and are easy to freeze to death, so pay attention to heat preservation. It is best for young frogs to make a simple greenhouse with plastic film over the winter. sunlight on a sunny day can make the temperature inside the plastic shed about 5C higher than the external temperature. In case of freezing, cover the plastic shed with straw to keep warm, deepen the water level and seal the doors and windows to survive the winter safely.

Third, regular bait

In the appropriate temperature period, bait is given 2-3 times a day, accounting for 3%-5% of the frog's body weight. While feeding compound feed, you can also feed some fresh bait, such as miscellaneous fish and shrimp, earthworms and so on.

4. Change water frequently

Cleaning the table indoor culture should change the water every day, wash the residual bait and excrement in the pool and on the table, and keep the water quality fresh. The discharged water can be used to raise tadpoles. Although the outdoor earthen ponds do not need to change water every day, we should pay attention to the water quality should not be too fat, or even smelly, but also often add new water.

V. Prevention of diseases and insect pests

Pay attention to observation, timely prevention of disease in every day when baiting, we should pay attention to observe the feeding condition and mental outlook of frogs. If it is found that there are outliers, or belly bulging and floating on the surface of the water, or bowing their heads at the bottom of the pool, they are all sick frogs, so pick up the diseased frogs and prescribe the right medicine. The main disease of young frogs is skin rot, which is a bacterial disease. If it is not treated in time, it spreads quickly and can cause a large number of deaths.

VI. Prevention of enemy damage

The main enemies of young frogs are rats and snakes. Always check whether the fence facilities are damaged or bitten by rats. The damaged areas should be repaired in time to prevent the young frogs from escaping and invading by the enemy. Regular administration of rat poison outside the fence can also prevent human invasion by rats.