
How to raise the snail, which is known as the king of midnight snacks?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Field snail is rich in protein, vitamins and essential amino acids and trace elements. It is a typical natural health food with high protein and low fat. Suitable for artificial breeding are Chinese field snail, Beijing field snail, Chinese round snail and so on. So how can we raise it well?

Field snail is rich in protein, vitamins and essential amino acids and trace elements. It is a typical natural health food with high protein and low fat. Suitable for artificial breeding are Chinese field snail, Beijing field snail, Chinese round snail and so on. So how can we raise snails well? Let's take a look at it.

I. feeding and management of snail species

The female snail ovulates every 25 to 30 days until October, ranging from dozens to 2000 eggs. The snail pond should choose the place where the water source is convenient, the bottom material is rich in humus, and the water body is not polluted by pesticides and toxic objects. The water depth should be 30 cm-80 cm, the area can be large or small, and there are about 100 snails per square meter. Thicker bamboo and wooden sticks should be inserted into the pond and on the edge of the pool to provide species for snails to lay eggs. Artificial feeding is mainly made of duckweed, human urine, rice bran and wheat bran, twice a week, each time about 30% of the weight of the snail.

2. Feeding and management of young snails

Field snails are not strict to the environment, ponds, canals, rice fields, buckets, large pots and so on can be stocked, generally releasing 1000 young snails per square meter. Its main food is the microorganisms in the water or the young stems and leaves of aquatic plants. In artificial breeding, certain farm manure should be applied to cultivate water quality and propagate plankton. In addition, the organic fertilizer retted by weeds by the pool is also a good feed for raising field snails. All kinds of by-products of grain processing plants, discarded vegetables and so on can be fed. The manure applied each time should be 30% of the snail body weight, and the rice bran and other concentrates should be 10% of the snail body, twice a week.

3. Problems that should be paid attention to in field snail breeding

Snails breathe by gills in the water, pay attention to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, often inject new water, and remove too many aquatic plants. The field snail is not afraid of the cold, it does not die even if it is away from the water for a few days in winter, and it can die in a few hours of heat. In case of high temperature season, the water level should be deepened or shade should be added to prevent heat and cool down. Also pay attention to prevent ants, spiders, cockroaches and other harm to snail eggs. In addition, to do a good job of escape prevention, although the field snail is not effective, but it is also easy to escape, especially in the aquaculture pond outlet to strengthen anti-escape facilities.

All right, the above is the breeding method of field snail brought by the editor of Friends who like can follow our Tuliuwang Lake District for more information. All right, I'll see you next time.