
What about centipedes at home? How to eradicate it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The friends who lived in the countryside are no strangers to centipedes. Every summer when the weather is hot, centipedes will appear in the house. We all know that centipedes are poisonous. If they are bitten, they will appear local redness and swelling. In serious cases, they will even endanger them.

Young friends who have lived in the countryside are no stranger to centipedes. Every summer when the weather is hot, centipedes appear at home. We all know that centipedes are poisonous, and if bitten, there will be local redness and swelling. In serious cases, it can even endanger life. What if there is a centipede at home? How to eradicate them completely?

What if there is a centipede at home?

If you find that you have entered a centipede in your home, you need to find out how it crawled in, whether there is a small hole in the house, and if so, plug the small hole in time to prevent you from coming in again. There must be a reason for the centipede in the house. Here are several reasons and solutions:

1. The centipede likes the wet environment. If the house is too humid, the centipede will climb into the house. What needs to be done is to keep the room dry. It is recommended to sprinkle some lime powder in front of your home or window and where centipedes are likely to climb in to prevent them from entering the home.

two。 Dirty places are also the favorite places for centipedes to hide, so clean the house, especially where the centipedes are easy to enter, such as doors and windows. It is suggested that the plants in the balcony and other places must be cleaned regularly, and do not put some plants that are easy to attract centipedes and other worms into the house.

The above is the solution to what to do if you have a centipede at home.

Second, how to eradicate centipedes thoroughly if there is a centipede at home? These 5 ways to help you destroy them!

1. Go to the drugstore to buy pyrethroid, and then sprinkle it in places where centipedes often appear according to the dosage and usage, and you can also sprinkle some at the entrance of the sewer, and then you can completely eradicate the centipede. In a few days you will see a poisoned centipede. You just need to pick it up with a tool and throw it away.

two。 Buy some deworming pills and put them in a place where there are centipedes, and then in an airtight space, you can smoke the centipedes to death and eradicate them completely.

3. Centipedes generally crawl in from the sewers, need to buy some realgar and wine sprinkled into the sewers, and then can completely eradicate the centipedes, so that they never dare to appear again.

4. Raise a rooster at home, the natural enemy of the centipede is the rooster, as soon as the cock sees the centipede, he likes to catch it and eat it, so there is a centipede in the house that can raise a rooster and put it at home, so that the centipede will never appear again and be completely eradicated.

5. Buy a bottle of dichlorvos and realgar water and dilute it into a solution, spray it on the floor and corner of the house, and then close the door for half a day. The effect is said to be good, but dichlorvos is highly toxic, so use it with caution.

Can the centipede climb onto the bed?

The centipede will climb onto the bed. The centipede is afraid of light, so it likes to go out at night. It likes to live in dark, warm, rain-sheltered and well-ventilated places. During the day, it lurks in the cracks in bricks and stones, at the foot of the wall and in the dark corners of piles of leaves, weeds and rotten wood. Looking for food. If the environment of the bed is suitable for the centipede, it may cause the centipede to climb onto the bed.

Conclusion: the above is the method of how to eradicate centipedes at home, which is sorted out by the editor of, hoping to help friends in need. This paper is integrated with the Internet.