
Points for attention in breeding yellow-throated water turtles! How old can you grow up?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The yellow-throated water tortoise is the most primitive and oldest species of water turtles, which is docile, adaptable, simple to breed and convenient to manage, but there are also many places that need to be paid attention to. So, what are the specific points for attention in breeding yellow-throated water turtles? Can

The yellow-throated water tortoise is the most primitive and oldest species of water turtles, which is docile, adaptable, simple to breed and convenient to manage, but there are also many places that need to be paid attention to. So, what are the specific points for attention in breeding yellow-throated water turtles? How old can you grow up?

1. A brief introduction to the Yellow-throated Water Turtle

1. What is the nickname for the yellow-throated water turtle?

Yellow-throated water turtles are also known as stone turtles, stone money turtles, water turtles, yellow board turtles, yellow turtles, incense turtles and so on. It is distributed in the eastern, southern, Hainan, west to Yunnan and other places of the mainland. It is often found in the waters of hilly and semi-mountainous basins or river valleys, and in nearby bushes or grasses.

2. Is the yellow-throated turtle an animal protected by the state?

The yellow-throated water turtle is a national second-class protected animal, which has been listed in the list of terrestrial wildlife with important economic and scientific research value issued by the State Forestry Administration of China on August 1, 2000.

II. Matters needing attention in breeding yellow-throated water turtles

1. Environment

Breeding yellow-throated water turtles, the environment is very important, to build a turtle pond, if there are no conditions to build a turtle pond, you can prepare a large white finishing box; to have land, the land can not be too sharp, to be high enough, easy to climb, the turtle can climb to bask in the sun, bask in the shell; to have water, the water depth is 2-3cm higher than the turtle back, and some floating water lotus is placed on the surface, which can absorb the heat of the sun and lower the water temperature in the pool.

2. Water quality

Breeding yellow-throated turtles, the water quality is very important, it is suitable for weakly alkaline water, the water must be exposed to the sun for more than two days of tap water, the chlorine in the water can be removed before changing the water; change the water every day, but not completely, discharge part of the old water, and inject a little new water; if the water and the turtle pond are dirty, the water will be completely replaced.

3. Food

Yellow-throated water turtles prefer to eat meat feed, can prepare pork, beef, snail meat and fish liver, etc., when feeding, all these foods will be chopped up, once a day or once every two days, because the metabolism of the turtle is very slow and very hungry. Basically do not eat in autumn, 4-5 days can be fed, hibernation stop feeding in winter.

4. Lighting

Yellow-throated water turtles need sunlight to regulate their body temperature, promote metabolism, help digest food, promote appetite, calcium absorption and mating and other natural behaviors. There must be sufficient sunlight every day. If there is direct sunlight, if not, sunlamps need to be added to maintain the heat and brightness needed by turtles and promote calcium absorption.

5. Hibernation

Yellow-throated water turtles are hibernating animals, the temperature drops below 10 degrees will hibernate, usually from the lunar calendar the Beginning of Winter, to the end of the next year's sting. Properly feed some high-protein foods to supplement nutrition before hibernation, so as to have enough energy to get through hibernation; stop eating for two weeks before hibernation and let the turtles clear their intestines; then check whether the turtles are healthy, and if they are unhealthy individuals, hibernation is not recommended. Move the turtle to a dark and quiet place indoors when hibernating, the temperature is 5 ℃-10 ℃, the tortoise below 5 ℃ is easy to die, and the turtle with more than 10 ℃ can only hibernate shallowly.

Third, how old can the yellow-throated water turtle grow?

The yellow-throated turtle shell is about 15-20cm long. It can be divided into the north and the south. The southern species refers to the yellow-throated turtles distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Vietnam in the south of China, and the northern species in the northern provinces. The southern species of turtles are smaller, the northern species can be divided into big, small and green, the big green is larger, and it is common to grow 2 jin, while it is rare for Xiaoqing to grow more than 2 jin.

The above are the matters needing attention in breeding the yellow-throated water turtle and the answer to how big the yellow-throated water turtle can grow. I hope it will be useful to you.