
How much is a pet fox? What are the main points of breeding?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Fox is a very sensitive sense of smell, can run fast animals, generally take small animals as food, can also eat some plants. There are many kinds of foxes, the more common ones are silver fox and red fox. In real life, foxes are relatively rare.

Fox is a very sensitive sense of smell, can run fast animals, generally take small animals as food, can also eat some plants. There are many kinds of foxes, the more common ones are silver fox and red fox. In real life, foxes are relatively rare, generally appear in deserts, forests and other places, we mostly see from the zoo, how much is a pet fox? What are the key points of artificial breeding?

How much is a pet fox?

Generally speaking, few people buy foxes to keep as pets, because they are not as easy to raise as ordinary cats and dogs, and it is difficult to buy them. According to the relevant information, the price of pet foxes is set according to the color of the eyes, such as mandarin duck eyes, blue eyes are more expensive, basically in more than two thousand. The price of pure black eyes is cheaper, basically at more than 1000 yuan each. So the price of pet fox will be determined according to the variety, purchase channel and so on.

Generally speaking, it is not recommended to buy foxes as pets. It may be difficult to raise foxes, and we do not know whether it is legal to buy them. If you like foxes, you can go to the zoo to see them.

What are the main points of artificial breeding of foxes?

The number of wild foxes is relatively small and generally does not appear in urban areas. Now there are also some farmers who raise foxes in captivity.

1. Seed selection

It is very important to choose the right breed when raising foxes in captivity. The general choice is based on the following two points:

First, to choose good disease resistance, fast growth, better cortex, relatively small size, fur color can be shelved in color or blue, so that the commodity is stronger, suitable for the market demand for colored fur.

Second, you can also choose villi varieties with bright coat color, strong reproductive ability, larger body size and better breeding, so that you can calmly face the changes in the market.

2. Master the time of mating.

Foxes usually breed once a year, and if they miss it, it will be empty for a year. Therefore, we should observe the growth and development of female foxes in time in order to better breed them.

3. Feeding

The feeding of foxes is very critical, and the key points of feeding management should be determined according to different growth periods. During pregnancy, fresh and nutritious food should be prepared. Food with good palatability and light taste should be prepared during production.

4. do a good job in environmental hygiene

No matter what kind of animals are raised, the hygiene of the breeding environment must be done well, so as to avoid some outbreaks or diseases. Usually, it is necessary to clean up feces and food residues in time, and do not give moldy feed or food for its consumption, so as to avoid diarrhea and intestinal diseases. At ordinary times, regular disinfection should be done to reduce the spread of diseases.

To sum up, I believe we all have a certain understanding of the price of pet foxes and the main points of raising foxes in captivity. I hope it will be helpful to you.