
What kind of feed do pigs eat to grow fast?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pigs eat formula feed to grow faster, formula feed is according to the nutritional needs of pigs, a variety of different feed, scientifically and evenly mixed products according to a certain proportion. The formula feed used by pigs with different production purposes and different physiological states is different. one

Pigs eat formula feed to grow faster, formula feed is according to the nutritional needs of pigs, a variety of different feed, scientifically and evenly mixed products according to a certain proportion. The formula feed used by pigs with different production purposes and different physiological states is different.

First, how to raise pigs to make money

1. To raise pigs, you should raise well-bred pigs. A well-bred pig is a generation of crossbred pigs. the piglets produced by crossing Landrace or Yorkshire boars with local sows or Sutai sows have strong vitality, wide feed, fast growth and lean meat.

two。 Pigs should be fed with formula feed. It is better for piglets below 25kg to feed Zhengda 551A suckling pig feed, and more than 25kg according to the needs of different growth stages to prepare full-price feed for a variety of raw materials with complete nutrition and no waste.

3. Pigs should be raised with a combination of refined feed. Pigs can not be fed concentrate alone, the nutrition of single concentrate is incomplete, the cost is high, and the growth of pigs is slow. Refined green combined with comprehensive nutrition, there are crude fiber, vitamins, many minerals, low cost, fast growth.

4. Pigs should be fattened in a straight line. The traditional hanger pig raising method has the advantages of long cycle, low meat yield and high cost, so this method can no longer be used. The new straight-line fattening method should be adopted, and the straight-line fattening method to improve the nutrition level of weaned piglets can greatly shorten the breeding period, advance and increase the fattening rate, thus increasing the economic benefit.

5. Pigs should be fed with thick material. Pig raising promotes the method of feeding pigs twice a day, and should be fed with thick material. Feed for the first time at about 8 o'clock in the morning, the second time at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and a green feed at about 12:00 noon to increase trace elements, save concentrate and reduce cost.

6. Pigs should be raised with high density. Generally 0.8 square meters pig house can raise a pig, which not only makes full use of the pig house, but also has many pigs, grabs for food, gains weight quickly, shortens the breeding cycle, and reduces the breeding cost.

7. Raising pigs should take the road of self-breeding and self-raising. If the average farmer raises pigs, they will buy a generation of hybrid piglets and raise them. If large-scale breeding, first of all, select good boars and sows, cultivate a hybrid generation of piglets, raise commercial pigs, improve the survival rate, conducive to epidemic prevention and disease elimination, and reduce costs.

8. To raise pigs, pig houses should be built to be warm in winter and cool in summer. In spring, you can plant melons and vines around the pig house, and in summer and autumn, you can shade and cool down. In winter, a plastic greenhouse should be installed in the pig house to maintain the temperature needed for pig growth and promote growth.

9. Pigs should be prevented and treated in time. The pigsty should be cleaned every day, deworming and vaccination regularly. No disease prevention, early treatment of disease, try to reduce death.

10. Pigs should be fenced at the right time. After the pig grows to 90 kilograms, the growth slows down gradually, and it is not worthwhile to feed it again. Generally, when it grows to about 100 kilograms, it can be fenced, slaughtered and supplied to the market.

Summary: the above content is the editor of to sort out the introduction about what kind of feed pigs eat to grow fast, hoping to help you.