
What is the reason why chickens don't eat? What should I do?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is believed that many people have the experience of raising chickens and may encounter some problems in the process of raising chickens, among which not eating is one of the most common conditions. So, what is the reason why chickens don't eat? What should I do? What is the reason why chicks don't eat?

I believe that many people have experience in raising chickens, and may encounter some problems in the process of raising chickens, among which not eating is one of the most common conditions. So, what is the reason why chickens don't eat? What should I do?

What is the reason why chickens don't eat?

1. seedling quality

Encounter the phenomenon that chickens do not eat, and buy seedlings has a lot to do with it, we should choose energetic and lively seedlings when buying seedlings, if there is poor spirit or unstable can not buy, these may be problematic chickens.

2. Too much stocking density

If the density of chickens is too high, it will also lead to no food, it is best to keep it at 30 per square meter, otherwise it will make the breeding environment worse, and the range of activities of chickens will be limited. If one chick is infected with the virus, it will cause others to follow suit, so the breeding density should not be much.

3. Effects of farming environment

In addition to the need for appropriate breeding density, attention should also be paid to the temperature, humidity and ventilation of the breeding site. Among them, temperature control is particularly important, because the chicken's body temperature is low, resistance is not very strong, so the temperature is maintained at about 33℃ is the most appropriate.

4. Feed selection

Chicken feeding requires fresh feed, moderate particle size, easy to peck, nutritious and digestible. Commonly used feed has broken bract grain, broken rice, millet, conditional available complete feed. Chicken feeding should be done frequently add less feed, keep indoor quiet, the last meal at night must be fully fed, feed 1/3 more than other meals, and appropriately extend the feeding time, so that chickens grow better.

2. What should chickens do if they don't eat?

We should prepare oxytetracycline, penicillin, furazolidone, sulfamidine, streptomycin, chloramphenicol and other drugs.

Method 1: Add 200-400 grams of furazolidone per kilogram of chicken feed, stir evenly, feed, continuously take for a week, stop for three days, and feed for seven days.

Method 2: Add 10 grams of sulfamidine (i.e. 20 tablets) or 5 grams of sulfamethazine (i.e. 10 tablets) to each kilogram of feed and stir for 5 days; streptomycin or chloramphenicol can also be added to drinking water by 0.1-0.2% to feed chickens for a week.

Method 3: Feed chicken 200 mg oxytetracycline per kilogram or add 2-3 g oxytetracycline per kilogram of water (i.e. 8-12 tablets) and mix well for 3-4 times.

Method 4: Each chicken was fed 2000 IU of penicillin daily for 7 days.

We need to be very careful when feeding chickens, because chicks are relatively fragile. In the feeding process, if you encounter a situation where chickens do not eat, you can solve it according to these methods.