
What are bees afraid of? how to drive away

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Bees are afraid of fire and smoke, which can disperse bees. Bees do not like the smell of gasoline, and gasoline is easy to stain the wings of bees, hindering their normal flight, you can put gasoline to keep them away. Bees are also afraid of insecticidal drugs, drugs

Bees are afraid of fire and smoke, which can disperse bees. Bees do not like the smell of gasoline, and gasoline is easy to stain the wings of bees, hindering their normal flight, you can put gasoline to keep them away. Bees are also afraid of insecticidal drugs, which can pose a threat to the lives of bees and can be sprayed to drive them away.

1. Fireworks

Bees are afraid of fireworks and run away as soon as they encounter fireworks. If you want to disperse bees, you can use open fire to disperse bees. Many experienced beekeepers use fireworks to catch wild bees in tree holes or stone caves in the wild.

2. Insecticidal drugs

In order to pursue effective insecticidal efficacy, insecticidal drugs often contain strong toxicity. If bees are infected with such drugs, they can pose a threat to their lives, or even cause the death of bees, and can be sprayed to drive away bees.

3. Gasoline

Bees not only do not like the smell of gasoline, but also gasoline is easy to stain the wings of bees, hindering their normal flight, you can put gasoline to keep them away automatically.