
How much does it cost to raise cattle?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, According to the current market, it costs about 3000 yuan to buy a calf, and the total feed cost for a cow is 18 yuan per day. The annual cost of water and electricity, quarantine, disinfection, diagnosis and treatment of each cow is about 100 yuan. According to the current situation of the breeding market.

According to the current market, it costs about 3000 yuan to buy a calf, and the total feed cost for a cow is 18 yuan per day. The annual cost of water and electricity, quarantine, disinfection, diagnosis and treatment of each cow is about 100 yuan.

According to the current market situation, it costs about 3000 yuan to buy a calf, and the bigger the calf is, the shorter the breeding cycle will be, but the selling price will be lower and there will not be much profit, so you still need to choose how big to start breeding before choosing a breed. Let's take a look at the feed cost for mutton cattle, mainly silage corn straw, distiller's grains, dry corn straw, wheat straw, peanut straw, sweet potato straw, rice straw and so on. The purchase price of the above roughage is about 0.3 yuan per catty. Then the roughage needed by most farmers is 20 jin per day. In addition, the fine feed needed by beef cattle every day accounts for 1% of the body weight of beef cattle, which is calculated on an average basis, that is, according to the body weight consumption of 800 jin, the daily cost is about 12 yuan. If it is calculated in this way, the total feed cost of a cow is 18 yuan per day. Then the feed cost of a cow for 10 months is 18,300,000 yuan.

As for other expenses, there are water and electricity fees, quarantine fees, disinfection fees, diagnosis and treatment fees, and so on. Although the price of each item is not very high, if the four items are added up, each cow will have to spend about 100 yuan a year. Well, according to the data provided by the above editor, everyone can simply calculate the cost of raising a beef cow, which is about 5500 yuan.

The profit of a beef cow

If each calf can be raised to more than 1300 gold, according to the current market price, 13 yuan per jin, 1300 jin of beef cattle can be sold for 16900 yuan, minus 5500, equal to 11400 yuan (including labor costs).