
Breeding techniques of ornamental pigeons

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The breeding of ornamental pigeons can be divided into three stages: young pigeon breeding, young pigeon breeding and breeding pigeon breeding. Among them, young ornamental pigeons are fed by parent pigeons, which should be given adequate nutrition at this time; young pigeons should be nutritionally strengthened and properly raised separately; breeding pigeons are opened in 5-6 months of young pigeons.

The breeding of ornamental pigeons can be divided into three stages: young pigeon breeding, young pigeon breeding and breeding pigeon breeding. Among them, young ornamental pigeons are fed by parent pigeons, which should be given adequate nutrition at this time; young pigeons should be strengthened in nutrition and properly raised separately; breeding pigeons should be nurtured in 5-6 months, and breeding and laying should be done well.

Attention should be paid to the breeding of ornamental pigeons:

1. Feed

Pigeons are more active and digestible than other animals, so they consume more energy. Pigeons in order to adapt to fly, the body can not store a lot of feed to slowly digest, so pigeons eat differently from other animals. Unlike other animals, pigeons must eat only once or twice a day, especially ornamental pigeons are mostly small pigeons, not to mention fasting. Although the activity and energy consumption of caged pigeons are less than those in the wild, the feeding tanks holding feed in cages are relatively small and cannot store more fodder. therefore, a little inattention will occur fasting, making pigeons hungry.

two。 Young pigeon

Observe carefully and avoid being injured or frozen to death by breeding pigeons. If the newborn chicks still can't get pigeon milk after 5-6 hours, find out the reason in time (if necessary, feed the young pigeons with artificial pigeon milk). It is found that when the parent pigeon is not breast-feeding, the breeding pigeon can be found in the same period, and some of the parent pigeon can be avoided to feed single pigeon and improve the production capacity.

3. Culture

Be sure to feed in situ, feed the original breeders, and keep the original feed unchanged, so as to promote the normal growth and development of young pigeons. At the age of 2 months, it is very difficult to feed young pigeons from parent pigeon to independent life, so it is necessary to strengthen feeding management, pay attention to heat preservation and ventilation, and strengthen the nutrition supply of health care sand and feed.

At present, there are more than 600 species of ornamental pigeons in the world, and the majority of pigeon lovers can choose breeds according to their own preferences.