
How to raise Golden Retriever? How to train it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden Retriever is loyal, docile, very friendly to infants and young children, and has a high IQ. He is a kind of dog that is very suitable for domestic breeding. Many friends buy a dog but don't know how to get along with it. Today, let's find out how to keep Golden Retriever. How to train

Golden Retriever is loyal, docile, very friendly to infants and young children, and has a high IQ. He is a kind of dog that is very suitable for domestic breeding. Many friends buy a dog but don't know how to get along with it. Today, let's learn how to raise a golden retriever. How to train it?

First, how to raise Golden Retriever?

1. Do a good job of regular feeding. We need to feed Golden Retriever at different stages of development. Generally speaking, for 3-or 4-month-old golden puppies, we can keep feeding 3 or 4 times a day. Eat properly every time, so that the dog can eat eight percent full. Golden Retriever, who is one year old, has two meals in the morning and evening, and the feeding place can be fixed as much as possible during the whole feeding stage. The purpose of this is to let Golden Retriever develop a good eating habit. It should be noted that we try to feed dogs dog food suitable for them, because there are nutrients in the dog food they need, do not give dogs to eat human food, their salt intake is different from ours.

2. If we want to give Golden Retriever a bath at home, we should use pet-specific bath products. Don't bathe your dog frequently, it's easy to lose hair or get skin diseases. Be careful not to wet its ears when taking a bath to avoid infection.

3. Golden Retriever needs to keep some exercise every day. Golden puppies before one year old avoid climbing too high distances and exercise moderately. As an adult, Golden Retriever can do running, swimming and other sports. If you go to the seaside, rinse the salt on the golden hair in time, otherwise you will be allergic.

4. Take good health protection measures. Golden Retriever will be vaccinated when he is more than a month old. The first vaccine was three doses of infectious vaccine plus one dose of rabies vaccine. Then there is one shot a year and one shot of rabies vaccine every three years. In addition to vaccination, we should also do a good job of deworming in the body. Dogs can't go out to play until a week after being vaccinated.

5. Golden Retriever's hair is still relatively long and needs to be combed every day. Usually one in the morning and one in the evening. A straight comb. The order is from beginning to end. In terms of carding tools, it is appropriate to combine elastic wire brushes, sparsely arranged metal combs and brushes.

6. We can judge Golden Retriever's health by his feces. The urine is yellow. In addition to the color of yellow or yellow-brown stool, the shape is generally strip-shaped, soft and hard moderate. If the stool is found to be black, it may also be eating too much food pigment.

Second, how to train Golden Retriever

1. Keep a gentle attitude at the beginning of training and reward in a timely manner. For example, when training Golden Retriever to defecate, we can first observe the excretion point he often chooses, and then lay a mat there. when the dog defecates on the paved thing next time, we should praise it in time and give it some snacks and other rewards. carry on this kind of positive reinforcement several times more, let Golden Retriever form a conditioned reflex. When they know to defecate on the mat, you put the cushion where you need it and take the golden hair to the mat before it needs to be excreted. Repeat this process many times, and Golden hair will know to defecate in this position under long-term guidance.

2. The password issued by the training golden retriever should be clear. Our passwords should be short, pronounced accurately, don't be grumpy, and don't make the dog afraid.

3. Training should be carried out anytime and anywhere. As long as we and Golden Retriever have behavior that needs to be strengthened in the process of interaction, we can carry out training. Here, we suggest that you can bring some snacks at any time.

4. It is not advisable to blindly reward in the whole process. We should also criticize what is wrong and let it know that it is wrong. it is important to define what to do and what not to do.

5. Rough training is strictly prohibited.

Golden Retriever's maintenance is relatively simple, its IQ is very high, as long as properly trained, it will be very good to follow your orders. In daily life, we must have patience and love for Golden Retriever, so that we can get a good life partner.