
How much is a mini Doberman? Is it easy to raise?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Mini Doberman is a very popular dog with a cheerful and lively personality and a very interesting walking posture, as if walking with one's head held high. The mini Doberman originated in Germany and is now raised in many countries. They have long legs, short tails and ears.

The Mini Doberman is a very popular dog with a cheerful and lively personality and a very interesting walking posture, as if walking with one's head held high. The Mini Doberman originated in Germany and is now raised in many countries. With long legs, short tails, pointed ears and agile ears, they are the best choice for pet dogs. How much is the mini Doberman? Is it easy to raise?

How much is a mini Doberman?

The market price of a Mini Doberman fluctuates between 2000 and 5000, and the price varies depending on its breed. The price of a purebred is about four thousand. In the advanced and pure pedigree of the mini Doberman, the price will be tens of thousands, ranging from 10, 000 yuan to 30, 000 yuan. This kind of dog has obvious advantages over ordinary breeds in terms of physical fitness and intelligence. The price of the mini Doberman is not much different from that of the young dog, the general price difference is about 500 yuan, of course, the price will be different in different regions.

Is it easy to keep a mini Doberman?

Mini Doberman has a graceful posture and is deeply loved by people. Mini Doberman's hair is hard, short and smooth, easy to take care of, and ordinary care requires brushing and nail clipping, making it easier for pet dogs to keep. Let's take a look at the main points of raising a mini Doberman.

1. Feeding essentials

The main results are as follows: (1) feeding according to the size of Doberman. The feeding methods of mini Dobermans of different sizes are different. For example, a young mini Doberman needs more careful care. Pay attention to feeding food that is easier to digest and cut up large pieces of food. Adult mini Dobermen don't need it, just remember not to feed expired or spoiled food.

(2) pay attention to the amount of feeding. Feeding should also pay attention to the control of food intake, do not feed too much, do not feed too little, otherwise there will be obesity or malnutrition, thus affecting the health and appearance of the mini Doberman.

(3) try not to feed sugars. The digestive system of the Mini Doberman is different from ours. Its digestive system cannot secrete and decompose disaccharides (such as sucrose, etc.). Once eating a large amount of sucrose or fructose, the digestive tract will form a hyperosmotic environment and a large amount of body fluid will enter the intestinal cavity. leading to diarrhea. Diarrhea is severe and the body is rapidly dehydrated, resulting in the decline of dog resistance, intestinal flora imbalance, virus invasion and mass reproduction, leading to the occurrence of gastroenteritis.

2. Proper outdoor sports

Life lies in exercise, which is true not only for people, but also for dogs. Proper exercise is of great benefit to the growth and health of Dobermen, so take mini Dobermen for a walk often. And when playing, you can also use food to induce and train mini Dobermans to increase their compliance with their owners.

3. Take care of your hair

The owner needs to often help comb the coat and promote metabolism. It is more conducive to the healthy growth of Doberman.