
How to know if a cow is pregnant?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cow pregnancy can be judged by looking at the eyeball, mouth, tail, behavior and B-ultrasound. Conditional farms can buy B-ultrasonic machines, so that they can accurately judge and make corresponding measures. How to know if a cow is pregnant? 1. Look at the eyeball

Cow pregnancy can be judged by looking at the eyeball, mouth, tail, behavior and B-ultrasound. Conditional farms can buy B-ultrasonic machines, so that they can accurately judge and make corresponding measures.

How to know if a cow is pregnant?

1. Look at the eyeball

The eyeball determination method is quite accurate. It can be observed about one month after cow breeding. If the cow is pregnant, there are three obvious blood vessels directly above its pupil, which are usually observed to be small but not exposed. After pregnancy, it will be congested and highlight the iris surface, the color is purplish red, very easy to identify.

2. Look at behavior

Cows tend to be excited and restless when they are in estrus, and they will moo loudly and lose their appetite. Some cows will keep circling around the enclosure, grumpy, and the duration of estrus varies. After breeding in estrus, without the behavior of estrus, temperament will also become extremely docile, appetite greatly increased, hair shiny, which is also coarse cloth determined to be pregnant.

3. Look at the mouth

Like eyeballs, looking at the mouth is a more accurate way to judge. Open the cow's mouth and check the caruncle on both sides of the tongue. If the color is bright red, it means the cow is pregnant. If it is light red or pink, it means she is not pregnant.

4. Look at the tail

The cow's tail is usually normal vertical, but if the pregnant cow's tail is slightly to the side, not natural vertical down, this method is relatively simple and easy, as long as careful observation, the accuracy is still high.

5. B-mode ultrasound

If there is a conditional farm, will be equipped with a veterinary B-ultrasound machine, so that one and a half months after mating can accurately determine whether pregnant, but also carefully observe the growth status of the fetus, make corresponding measures.