
Where does Jiangsu produce lobster? What are the main farming models?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lobster is a favorite food for consumers, especially in the summer in the south, lobster is often served as a delicacy. Lobster tender meat, stir-fried, minced garlic, five spices are good practices. Lobsters are also raised in many places in our country, so where in Jiangsu?

Lobster is a favorite food for consumers, especially in the summer in the south, lobster is often served as a delicacy. Lobster tender meat, stir-fried, minced garlic, five spices are good practices. Lobster is also farmed in many places in our country, so where does Jiangsu produce lobster? What are the breeding models?

Where does Jiangsu produce lobster?

There are crayfish in the south of Jiangsu Huaihe River, and the Lixia River area between Jianghuai River and Huaihe River is the most famous, especially Huaian Xuyi and Jinhu.

People in Nanjing and Huaian have worshipped Xuyi thirteen-fragrant lobster, which is also a classic dish of Huaiyang cuisine in Yangzhou, Huaian, Zhenjiang, Nanjing and other places.

Second, the main lobster culture model in Jiangsu Province.

1. Main culture mode of crayfish

The main culture mode of crayfish refers to crayfish culture in the pond, reasonable matching of some large size silver carp and bighead carp species, in order to regulate the water quality and increase the comprehensive culture efficiency. There are two stocking modes of crayfish: one is to release shrimp species in autumn. The stocking specification is 20 / mu ~ 30 / mu, the ratio of female to male is 3:1, the density is 25 ~ 30 / mu, and the time is from August to September. The propagated shrimp species were caught and sold in time from March to May of the following year, and the shrimp seedlings were left in the pond for adult shrimp culture. The other is to release shrimp seedlings in spring. The stocking specification is 200 / mu ~ 300 / mu, the density is 30 ~ 40 / mu, and the time is from March to April. The stocking specification of silver carp and bighead carp fingerling is 4 / 10 ~ 6 / mu, the density is about 200 / mu, and the time is in May. Crayfish began to be caught in June, big and small. Silver carp and bighead carp are caught in dry ponds at the end of crayfish culture.

2. Mixed culture mode of crayfish and adult fish.

There are 1200 ~ 1500 crucian carp fingerling per mu, 15 Carassius auratus fingerling and 4 silver carp and bighead carp fingerling per mu, and the stocking time is from March to April. the stocking specification of shrimp fry is about 3 fish, and the density is 4000 / mu ~ 5000 / mu, from the end of April to the beginning of May. The mode of culture and management is mainly adult fish, and crayfish are fished in shrimp cages and ground cages from the middle and late June. Adult fish come out of the pond around the end of the year according to the market situation.

3. Raising crayfish in rice fields

Raising crayfish in rice fields, digging ring ditches around rice fields, and making use of the shallow water environment of rice fields, both rice and crayfish are cultivated. It is an ecological planting and breeding model to improve the comprehensive benefit per unit area. Rice was planted and raised from late April to early May, and began to transplant seedlings from the end of May to early June. The transplanting methods of shallow water, wide row and dense plants were adopted, and the planting density on both sides of the ring ditch on the inside of the ridge was appropriately increased to give full play to the marginal advantage. The stocking specification of crayfish is 200 / mu ~ 300 / mu, and the density is 3000 / mu ~ 4000 / mu, from April to May.