
Implement the poverty alleviation project

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, The proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development points out that getting rid of poverty in rural areas is the most arduous task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and we must give full play to our political and institutional advantages and resolutely win the battle against poverty.

The proposal of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation of the 13th five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development points out that getting rid of poverty in rural areas is the most arduous task of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and we must give full play to our political and institutional advantages. we will resolutely win the battle against poverty. In this regard, we should deeply understand, conscientiously implement it, and take effective policies and measures to implement it.

First, fully affirm the remarkable achievements made in poverty alleviation through development and have a clear understanding of the outstanding problems facing us.

After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has embarked on a road of poverty reduction with Chinese characteristics. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, we have successively implemented the National Seven-year Poverty Alleviation Program (1994-2000), China's Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development Program (2001-2010), and China's Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development Program (2011-2020). Poverty alleviation and development work continues to deepen. At the same time, we should also be soberly aware that the task of eradicating poverty is still arduous.

(1) New progress has been made in poverty alleviation through development in the past five years.

1. The number of people living in poverty in rural areas has been greatly reduced. At the end of 2014, the number of people living in rural poverty was 70.17 million, a decrease of 52.21 million compared with the end of 2011, with an average annual decrease of 17.4 million. The incidence of poverty was 7.2%, 5.5 percentage points lower than in 2011, with an average annual decrease of 1.8 percentage points. Since the end of 1970s, more than 700 million people have been lifted out of poverty in China. The proportion of poor people in China's rural areas fell from more than 60% in 1990 to less than 30% in 2002 and to 4.2% in 2014. China has become the first developing country in the world to meet the poverty reduction requirements of the United Nations Millennium Development goals, contributing more than 70% to global poverty reduction. Since the beginning of this year, poverty reduction efforts have been significantly intensified in various localities. The task of reducing the number of rural poor by more than 10 million as proposed in the Government work report at the beginning of the year is expected to be completed.

two。 Infrastructure and public services in poor areas have been continuously improved. From 2011 to 2014, the state built 1.2412 million kilometers of rural roads in extremely poor areas, solved the problems of drinking water safety for 78.52 million rural residents and electricity consumption for 3.54 million people without electricity, and completed the renovation of dilapidated houses for 15.654 million poor rural households. At the end of 2014, 93.5% of the townships and 70.8% of the formed villages achieved smooth traffic, and 100% of the formed villages were connected to more than 90% of the natural villages. The nutrition improvement program for rural compulsory education students and the tuition-free policy for secondary vocational education students are all covered in poverty-stricken areas. The participation rate of NCMS in poverty-stricken areas is more than 98%, and the rural minimum security and basic old-age insurance are fully covered. The number of targeted enrollment of key colleges and universities in poor areas increased from 10,000 in 2012 to 50,000 in 2014.

3. The pace of economic development and the increase of farmers' income in poor areas has been accelerated. From 2011 to 2014, the GDP of the six provinces with the largest number of poor people, including Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangxi and Henan, increased by 62.8%, 55.7%, 54.5%, 51.4%, 49.4% and 46.2%, respectively, significantly higher than the national GDP growth rate of 36.3%. In 2014, the per capita net income of rural residents in poverty-stricken areas was 6610 yuan, reaching 65.3 percent of the per capita level of rural residents in the country, an increase of 8.2 percentage points over 2011. For the third year in a row, the income growth of farmers in poor areas was higher than that of the whole country. In the first three quarters of 2015, the growth rate of per capita net income of farmers in poor areas continued to be higher than the national average.

4. New breakthroughs were made in the innovation of the mechanism for poverty alleviation and development. The Central Committee put forward the idea of accurate poverty alleviation, found out the number of poor villages and poor households across the country, and the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Office issued the "opinions on innovating mechanisms to firmly promote the work of Poverty Alleviation and Development in Rural areas." We have explored and established the assessment and restraint mechanism of poverty-stricken counties, improved the mobilization mechanism of social poverty alleviation organizations, and improved the input mechanism. Provincial financial aid-the-poor budgets of various localities increased from 23.628 billion yuan in 2014 to 28.412 billion yuan in 2015, an increase of 20.25 percent. The central government allocated 46.745 billion yuan for poverty alleviation in 2015, an increase of 8 percent over the same period last year.

(2) Poverty alleviation through development is still the most prominent deficiency in economic and social development.

1. The scale of the poor group is still large. The poverty-stricken population in Guizhou, Yunnan, Henan, Guangxi, Hunan and Sichuan all exceeded 5 million, of which Guizhou reached 6.23 million. The poverty incidence rate in the five provinces and regions of Xizang, Gansu, Xinjiang, Guizhou and Yunnan exceeded 15 percent, of which Xizang reached 23.7 percent. The average incidence of poverty in key counties and districts across the country is 22.1 per cent.

two。 Poverty alleviation through development is becoming more and more difficult. After more than 30 years of continuous poverty alleviation and development, it is difficult to solve the "hard bones". Some poor people are either disabled or sick and have weak ability to work. Some poor families are poor and lack labor, labor tools, safe housing, clean water and other basic production and living conditions. Some poor people live in deep mountain areas, stony mountain areas, alpine mountain areas, desertified areas and desertification areas, so it is difficult to achieve effective poverty alleviation. From 2011 to 2014, the rates of poverty reduction in China were 26.1%, 19.1%, 16.7% and 14.9% respectively, showing a downward trend year by year.

3. The work of poverty alleviation through development needs to be strengthened urgently. There are also prominent contradictions such as inadequate understanding of poverty alleviation and ineffective measures. Some poverty-stricken areas in the central and western regions have not yet taken poverty alleviation as the main task. Some departments, units and eastern regions have not yet put helping the poor and poverty in their proper place. The total amount of poverty alleviation investment is still insufficient, the channels are relatively scattered, the overall efficiency is not high, and the mechanism of inclusive financial services for the poor is not perfect.

Second, to further clarify the overall requirements of poverty alleviation and development during the 13th five-year Plan period.

Poverty alleviation and development is related to the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, to the consolidation of the party's ruling foundation, to the long-term stability of the country, and to the steady and rapid economic development. To ensure that the poor in rural areas can be lifted out of poverty by 2020 is a solemn commitment made by our party to the people and a battle that must be won. We must enhance our ideological understanding, establish a guiding ideology, and set the overall goal.

(1) to clarify the guiding ideology of poverty alleviation and development at present and in the next few years

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to poverty alleviation and development work. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made more than 20 important speeches on poverty alleviation work, visited poverty-stricken areas for more than 10 times, held several special forums on poverty alleviation and development, and issued mobilization orders for rural poor people to get rid of poverty as scheduled by 2020. Premier Li Keqiang has also made important instructions on poverty alleviation and development for many times. He has made many in-depth investigations and inspections in poverty-stricken areas. For two consecutive years, he has listed poverty reduction of more than 10 million people as the annual work target of the government. We should fully implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, take Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the scientific concept of development as guidance, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches, focus on the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, promote shared development, give full play to political and institutional advantages, take precise poverty alleviation and precise poverty alleviation as the basic strategy, adhere to the close combination of precise assistance and regional development, and pay equal attention to poverty alleviation and ecological protection. Poverty alleviation and development are effectively linked with social protection, extraordinary measures are taken, excellent measures are taken, and all forces are gathered to overcome poverty alleviation difficulties.

(II) Clarify the overall goal of implementing poverty alleviation projects

At present, there are 14 concentrated and contiguous areas with special difficulties, 592 key counties in the national poverty alleviation and development work, 128,000 poor villages, 29.485 million poor households and 70.17 million poor people in China, which must be treated according to the right medicine and targeted treatment. By 2020, while the economy continues to develop healthily, the rural poor population will be lifted out of poverty under the current standard of our country (calculated according to the constant price in 2010, the per capita net income of farmers will be 2300 yuan), all poor counties will be stripped of their hats, and regional overall poverty will be solved. Stable realization of rural poor people do not worry about food, do not worry about clothing, compulsory education, basic medical care, housing security is guaranteed, the per capita disposable income of farmers in poverty-stricken areas is higher than the national average level, and the indicators in the main fields of basic public services are close to the national average level.

III. Major Tasks and Policy Measures for Poverty Alleviation and Development by 2020

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, China's poverty alleviation and development work has entered the sprint period of gnawing hard bones and attacking villages. Time is pressing, the task is heavy, and all efforts must be made to ensure completion.

(1) Implementing precise poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation

China's regional development is very unbalanced, and the poor population is distributed in more than 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). Poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation must be based on people and places, support the development of characteristic industries and transfer of employment for those with labor ability, implement poverty alleviation and relocation for those who "cannot support one person with water and soil", implement ecological protection and poverty alleviation for those who are particularly important and fragile in ecology, implement basic guarantee policies for those who lose their labor ability, and provide medical assistance for those who are poor due to illness. Guarantee, improve poverty alleviation effectiveness.

1. Develop characteristic industries to get rid of poverty. Support poverty-stricken areas to scientifically formulate characteristic industry development plans, encourage poor villages and poor households to develop characteristic agricultural products and their processing industries, thoroughly implement rural tourism poverty alleviation projects, and rationally and orderly develop advantageous energy and mineral resources. In order to enhance the ability of self-development, the central, provincial and municipal governments shall implement the policy of returning the county-level finance in full to the concentrated contiguous poverty-stricken areas and counties; and the central finance shall return the county-level finance in full to the key counties outside the district for poverty alleviation and development work of the state.

2. Guide labor export out of poverty. Increase investment in labor export training, continue to implement vocational skills upgrading plans, establish and improve labor docking mechanisms between export and import places, and guide rural poor people to enter domestic, logistics, pension and other fields for employment. Policy support will be given to migrant workers in poverty-stricken areas to return home to start businesses. Have the ability to stabilize employment and orderly realization of urbanization in cities and towns.

3. Implement relocation to help the poor. Work out and implement relocation plans for poverty alleviation, adhere to the principle of voluntary, active and prudent masses for poor people living in areas with poor living conditions, fragile ecological environment and frequent natural disasters, and implement relocation and resettlement according to local conditions. According to preliminary statistics, about 10 million poor people need to be relocated during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. We should increase investment in the central budget and local governments at all levels, innovate investment and financing methods, raise 600 billion yuan of funds through multiple channels, and promote the ability to move, stabilize, do something and become rich.

4. Implement the policy of social protection. We will implement health poverty alleviation projects and improve the level of basic medical and public health services in poor areas. The new rural cooperative medical insurance payment, medical assistance, etc. will be combined to ensure that those suffering from serious illness will be guaranteed. Strengthen health services for the poor and disabled. The implementation of the subsistence allowance policy and poverty alleviation policy should be effectively linked, and the poor should be guaranteed.

(ii) Expansion of infrastructure coverage in poor areas

Most of China's poverty-stricken areas are located in the central and western regions, mountainous areas and border areas, with complex natural conditions and weak infrastructure. We must further strengthen construction and solve problems such as access, water supply, electricity supply and network connection according to local conditions.

1. We will speed up the construction of transportation, water conservancy, electricity and the Internet in poor areas. We should accelerate the construction of major transportation projects such as the national railway network and the national expressway network connecting poor areas. We should strengthen the construction of major water conservancy projects and small and medium-sized water conservancy projects in poor areas. Hydropower development, farmland upgrading and photovoltaic power generation projects in poor areas should be vigorously promoted. We will step up efforts to "Internet + poverty alleviation", accelerate the full coverage of broadband networks in poor villages, implement e-commerce poverty alleviation projects, and promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation in poor areas.

2. Strengthen ecological protection in poverty-stricken areas, renovation of dilapidated buildings in rural areas and improvement of human settlements. Major ecological projects such as returning farmland to forests and grasslands, returning grazing land to grasslands, protecting natural forests, building shelterbelts, controlling rocky desertification, and preventing desertification have been further tilted towards poor areas. Intensify efforts to renovate dilapidated buildings in rural areas and earthquake-resistant renovation of agricultural houses. We will promote domestic garbage treatment, sewage treatment, toilet improvement for farmers and village greening in poor villages, promote comprehensive improvement of rural environment, and support the construction of mountains, water, farmland, forests and roads and comprehensive management of small watersheds.

3. Explore asset returns to help the poor. Explore the implementation of asset income support system for poor people. For the development of hydropower and mineral resources in poverty-stricken areas occupying collective land, compensation shall be made in the form of collective equity for indigenous residents on a trial basis. Assets formed by financial poverty alleviation funds and other agriculture-related funds invested in some projects shall be converted into shares and quantified to poor households.

(3) Promoting equalization of basic public services in poverty-stricken areas

To a large extent, the gap between poor areas and more developed areas is manifested in basic public services such as education, health, culture and social security, and efforts must be made to narrow it.

1. Improve the quality of basic education in poor areas. "Poverty alleviation requires wisdom." We should implement the full coverage project of poverty alleviation through education so that children from poor families can receive fair and quality education and block the intergenerational transmission of poverty. State education funds continue to be tilted towards poor areas and basic education, and the "special post plan" and "national training plan" are tilted towards poor areas. In poverty-stricken areas, we will take the lead in implementing tuition exemption for ordinary senior high schools and establish a long-term mechanism to ensure that rural students attend key colleges and universities.

2. Establish and improve the care system for left-behind children and women, the elderly and the disabled. A comprehensive investigation of rural "three left-behind" and disabled persons shall be carried out, and an information management and service system shall be established. We will strengthen the guardianship of minors and welfare guarantees for children in difficult circumstances, and help special poor families solve practical difficulties. We will speed up the establishment and improvement of a system of living allowances for persons with disabilities in difficulty and subsidies for the care of severely disabled persons.

3. Enrich the cultural life of the poor. Focus on implementing a number of cultural poverty alleviation projects benefiting the people, focusing on radio and television service networks, digital cultural services, local talent training, mobile cultural services, etc. Support poor areas to excavate, protect, develop and utilize ethnic folk cultural heritage and resources. Funding for cultural undertakings is tilted towards poor areas.

(IV) Implementation of the responsibility system for poverty alleviation

The key to implementing the main tasks and policies and measures for poverty alleviation and development lies in fulfilling responsibilities.

1. We will further improve the working mechanism of overall planning by the central government, overall responsibility by provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and implementation by cities (prefectures) and counties. Strengthen the responsibility assessment of poverty alleviation work. In nine provinces and autonomous regions with a poverty population of more than 5 million or a poverty incidence rate of more than 15 percent, poverty alleviation and development should be truly regarded as the "first-in-command" project. Focus on assessing poverty alleviation results in poor counties and implement "one-vote veto" for poverty alleviation work. At the same time, supervision and accountability will be strengthened, and leading cadres who fail to complete the annual poverty alleviation task will be interviewed. Strengthen the construction of Party branches in poor villages.

2. Strengthen the investment guarantee for poverty alleviation and development. Increase central and provincial financial investment in poverty alleviation. The central finance will continue to increase transfer payments to poverty-stricken areas. The scale of special poverty alleviation funds from the central finance will maintain a relatively large increase every year. General transfer payment funds, special transfer payment funds related to people's livelihood and investment within the central budget will be further inclined to poverty-stricken areas and poor people. For public welfare construction projects arranged by the state in poverty-stricken areas, the supporting funds at the county level and below and in the contiguous poverty-stricken areas in the western region shall be cancelled. Integrate all kinds of poverty alleviation resources and open up new funding channels for poverty alleviation and development. Encourage development, policy, commercial, cooperative and other financial institutions to increase financial support for poverty alleviation and development and play a complementary role. Issue policy financial bonds and give preferential policies such as fiscal discount. Implementation of poverty alleviation microcredit projects. Ensure poverty alleviation and development land. We will intensify efforts to help the poor through science and technology. Special policies will be given to those who start businesses, innovate and serve in poverty-stricken areas in terms of salary, civil servant recruitment, rank adjustment, title evaluation and employment.

3. We will improve the coordination between the east and the west and the designated poverty alleviation mechanism of party and government organs, armed forces, people's organizations and state-owned enterprises. The eastern region increased financial investment in counterpart assistance and launched the implementation of the "Joining Hands for a Well-off Society" action between strong counties and poor counties in the east. Strengthen and improve the designated poverty alleviation work of Party, government and army departments and units. We will further promote the activity of "100 counties and 10,000 villages" by central enterprises to help poor old revolutionary areas. Encourage all kinds of enterprises, social organizations and individuals to voluntarily take part in poverty alleviation in a lump sum manner, and implement the pre-tax deduction policy for poverty alleviation donations from enterprises and individuals. Expand international cooperation in poverty alleviation. Old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas and concentrated contiguous poverty-stricken areas should be taken as the key points for poverty alleviation.

(The author is deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission)