
How to kill a baby fish?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Baby fish is famous for its cry like a baby, it is rich in nutritional value, and artificial breeding of the second generation has been allowed in many places. So, how to kill the baby fish? First, how to kill the baby fish? Wild baby fish is a second-class protected animal in the country.

Baby fish is famous for its cry like a baby, it is rich in nutritional value, and artificial breeding of the second generation has been allowed in many places. So, how to kill the baby fish?

First, how to kill the baby fish?

Wild baby fish is a national second-class protected animal, which can not be captured, hunted, sold or eaten, but it can be eaten if it is more than the second generation of artificial breeding. There are two common methods of killing, one is to scald it in boiling water for about 15 minutes, scrape off the mucus on the surface and then open the belly to remove the viscera; the other is to hammer the head with the back of the knife, and then cut a knife on the neck to bleed, scrape the mucus off the surface and remove the viscera.

Second, the culture method of baby fish

1. Suitable environment

Water temperature: the optimum water temperature for growth of baby fish is between 16 and 22 ℃. In the area above sea level, when the water temperature exceeds 26 ℃, the baby fish will have the phenomenon of "summer dormancy", which will lead to growth restriction, and too high water temperature will even lead to the death of the baby fish. At high elevations, if the temperature is too low, the growth of the baby fish will also be affected, the growth rate will slow down, and the culture efficiency will be affected, which is not cost-effective. Therefore, the site for raising baby fish is generally chosen at an altitude of 500 to 800 meters above sea level, where it is not particularly cold in winter and not particularly hot in summer.

Water quality: baby fish have very high requirements for water quality. Wild baby fish like to grow in deep mountains, streams and lakes with lots of vegetation, no pollution and far away from human beings. Therefore, it is best to cultivate baby fish in mountain areas, streams or mountain springs with flowing water. Of course, good water quality is a necessary condition, such as the low-level water of some large and medium-sized reservoirs with good water quality, no pollution and high dissolved oxygen content.

two。 Reasonable construction of pool

Breeding baby fish needs to be cultured separately according to the size of baby fish, and a lot of small ponds can be built for breeding. Aquaculture ponds generally adopt brick-concrete structure, according to the size of the doll fish there are different sizes of the pool, the wall should be smooth. The water inlet and outlet are arranged at both ends of the pool, and each pool inlet is separately connected with the main water inlet pipe.

3. Seed and seedling delivery

Buy fry: you can buy artificially bred healthy fry nearby, generally choose more than 1 two fry, such fry is easier to survive and grow faster.

Release of seedlings: baby fish are ferocious and easy to fight, especially the older adults will fight for food, or even kill the small fry, so they will be released separately according to the size of the fish.

4. Feeding and management

Baby fish are not picky about food, such as fish, shrimp, crabs, Loach, frog, earthworms, insects, and even the offal of cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens. And the baby fish are very hungry, even if they do not eat for a long time, they will not starve to death, but if there is not enough food, the baby fish will fight with each other.

5. Daily management

Keep the water clean and fresh, and if the flowing water is free of pollution, high dissolved oxygen, moderate amount of water, avoid drying up too little, and avoid overflowing fish fleeing. Control the water temperature, especially in hot days, to keep the water temperature less than 25 ℃. Pay attention to avoid light, build shade canopy, avoid strong light. Anti-escape and anti-theft, a lot of rain in summer, to prevent too much water and overflow, the emergence of baby fish escape.

Although it is possible to raise baby fish artificially at present, it also needs to apply to the relevant departments for consent.