
Breeding methods of brocade carp

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Most of the cultured koi are artificial breeding methods, which can make the fertilization rate and hatching rate higher, so what are the breeding methods of koi? First, prepare before laying eggs. Isolation: changing the environment is good for mating, while artificial isolation is the most direct.

Most of the cultured koi are artificial breeding methods, which can make the fertilization rate and hatching rate higher, so what are the breeding methods of koi?

First, prepare before spawning

1. Isolation: changing the environment is conducive to mating, and artificial isolation is the most direct and convenient way. About one month before spawning, the males and females were separated and reared, and only when the abdominal distension of the females and the "chasing stars" of the males were found when the breeding period was approaching, the females and males were put into the spawning pond.

two。 Increase the water temperature: properly raising the water temperature can promote spawning. Moving the species to water with a temperature of 2 ℃ 5 ℃ higher than the original pond, or changing a higher temperature environment will promote parent fish to spawn. When the temperature reaches 25 ℃, the koi becomes active and ready to spawn and reproduce. Day by day, there should be sufficient sunlight to raise the water temperature, and cover should be added at night (foam board and other thermal insulation materials have better thermal insulation performance) to maintain the water temperature.

3. Check the water quality: check the pH of the water (pH7.2-7.4), oxygen is appropriate, good water quality can promote spawning, improve the rate of fertilization.

4. Input to promote reproduction hormone: oral hormone, hormone injection can be, you can also use vitamin E to promote reproduction.

5. Disinfection: 2-3 days before spawning, prepare the spawning pool and disinfect the spawning pool. The brown bark, foxtail algae and spawning rope used to attach fish eggs should be sterilized and sterilized. To prepare the water in the spawning pond, it can be tap water and groundwater, but it must be new water. It will take one or more days of aeration and dechlorination before it can be put into koi.

2. Start spawning

1. After the males and females are put into the spawning pond, the females will constantly swim to rub their heads against the nests, and the males will rub their pectoral fins or heads to form a chase action to promote their spawning.

two。 The white eggs attached to the fish nest are dead eggs, most of the eggs will be fertilized by other sperm to form fertilized eggs, and a small number of unfinished eggs are called unfertilized eggs.

III. Completion of spawning

two。 When it is confirmed that the spawning is over, the parent fish should be taken out slowly. At this time, the parent fish is quite weak and the resistance is also quite low. Be careful not to get hurt. Disinfect it with potassium permanganate.

1. Disinfect the nests with fertilized eggs with malachite green solution (1/10000) and soak them for 15 minutes or 5 minutes in a 5% test solution, and then put them back into another prepared incubator.

Although the breeding method of koi is a little troublesome, it is suitable to effectively improve the fertilization rate and hatching rate, and the fry produced are of higher quality.