
Yuan Dingmei (Xinyuanmei young player Xinmei) Huilan

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Huilan Yuan Dingmei is also known as [Xinyuanmei]: Xinchang young general Liang Benhong is named after cultivation. In 2005, Suichang, Zhejiang Province, peeled off the bud down the mountain, and 5 seedling grasses came down the mountain. For the first time in 2008, the flower bud did not bloom normally because the grass was not strong. 2009 spring compound flower is stable, flower owner Liang Benhong took this flower to participate in China's second Orchid Culture Expo and won the Silver Award.

Huilan Yuan Dingmei is also known as [Xinyuanmei]: Xinchang young general Liang Benhong is named after cultivation. In 2005, Suichang, Zhejiang Province, peeled off the bud down the mountain, and 5 seedling grasses came down the mountain. For the first time in 2008, the flower bud did not bloom normally because the grass was not strong. In the spring of 2009, the flower was stable. Liang Benhong, the flower owner, took this flower to attend the second China Orchid Culture Expo and won the Silver Award!