
How many pacifiers does a sow have?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, There are all kinds of pigs in the herd, in which sows play an important role, and every farmer will focus on his health. How many pacifiers does a sow have? First, how many pacifiers are there in sows? there are generally 8-16 nipples, and the number varies among different breeds. Incense

There are all kinds of pigs in the herd, in which sows play an important role, and every farmer will focus on his health. How many pacifiers does a sow have?

How many pacifiers does the sow have

Generally, there are 8-16, and the quantity varies among different varieties. There are 10-12 Xiang pigs, 12-14 Yorkshire pigs and 14-16 Landrace and Jinhua pigs.

Second, how to manage lactation sows

1. Management of sows in the early stage of lactation.

① should keep the delivery room warm, dry and hygienic. Poor microclimate and unsanitary conditions in the delivery room may lead to postpartum infection in sows, such as lochia, fever, loss of appetite, decreased milk or no milk. If not treated in time, light piglets will develop slowly and severe piglets will starve to death. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in the hygiene of the delivery room, often change the mat grass, and pay attention to the ventilation in the house to ensure that the air in the house is fresh. Postpartum sow vulva should be kept clean, such as tail root, vulva around lochia, should be timely cleaning, disinfection, summer should prevent mosquitoes, flies fly. If necessary, inject antibiotics into the sow and rinse the uterus with 2%-3% warm saline or 0.1% potassium permanganate solution.

② due to postpartum sow physical decline, poor appetite, so it is appropriate to stay in the pen to rest and recuperate; from the 3rd day after delivery, if the weather is fine, sows can be allowed to take their young or go outside for free activities, which is good for sows to restore physical strength, promote digestion and lactation. But to prevent catching cold and shock, do not exercise too much. In particular, the ground birth, poor conditions of the delivery room, in warm weather to allow mothers and piglets to bask in the sun and increase exercise.

2. Management of sows in the middle and later stages of lactation.

① protects the breasts and nipples of lactating sows, making them develop evenly and breast-feed normally, and treat diseases in time when they are found. Feed strictly according to the feeding standard and demand to prevent excessive concentration of milk from causing diarrhea in piglets.

② delivery room must be kept clean, dry and well ventilated, pay attention to cold protection in winter and summer heat prevention. Dirty and damp delivery room and poor air circulation are the causes of sows' illness, which should be paid enough attention to. The temperature of the nursing home should be kept at 1625 ℃, and the relative humidity should be 50% Mel 75%. The feces in the enclosure should be removed in time, and the fence, work path and appliances should be disinfected regularly. It is strictly forbidden to whip or forcibly drive sows, protect sow nipples from injury, and treat them in time if there is any injury.

③ paid attention to observe the body condition of sows and the growth and development of piglets, such as strong growth, glossy coat, uniform development among individuals, weight loss of sows but not too thin, indicating that feeding and management is reasonable. If the sow is too fat or too thin, and the piglets grow poorly, it shows that there are problems in feeding and management, and the cause should be found.

3. in the prevention and treatment of diseases, lactation mainly prevents and treats postpartum non-feeding of sows, lack of milk or no milk of sows, postpartum paralysis of sows, non-lactation of sows, parvovirus disease and classical swine fever.

Protective measures should be taken before and after sow production, so that piglets are born healthily and sows are breast-fed safely.