
How to raise a cobra

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the development and utilization of snake venom, the demand for snake venom in the market is also increasing. As a snake with strong toxicity, cobra has become a new breeding project. Now let's introduce how to raise a cobra. How do you keep a cobra? 1. Aquaculture sites can use water

With the development and utilization of snake venom, the demand for snake venom in the market is also increasing. As a snake with strong toxicity, cobra has become a new breeding project. Now let's introduce how to raise a cobra.

How do you keep a cobra?

1. Breeding site

Can use cement structure chamber to do aquaculture room, also can dry pine board to make small wooden box to breed. Breeding to control the density, generally 30-50 meters of snake garden can raise 250-300 adult snakes.

two。 Feed

When raising cobras with high density in small wooden boxes, they are not fed live animals, but only dead frogs, fish and other animal feed. In order to raise cobras in wooden cases, there must be sufficient feed, regular and quantitative feeding, so that the snakes can eat well and have a strong ability to prevent diseases in order to have a high output value. Adult snakes raised in captivity can be fed to white mice, toads, frogs, young snakes to eat Loach, suckling mice, small lizards. The type and size of food are related to the individual size of the snake, and the cobra shortly after the sting has not fully returned to its active predation state, so it should be fed some nutritious and digestible food, so it is suitable to feed toads, lizards and suckling mice in late spring and early summer; it is active frequently in summer and autumn, and it is necessary to absorb a lot of nutrients to prepare for the winter, and more nutritious mice should be fed during this period.

3. Environment

The temperature of the feeding box should be kept between 25-30 ℃. In the muggy weather, it should be reduced by about 3-5 degrees at night. The overwintering temperature of the cobra is 10: 14 ℃ and the relative humidity is about 90%.

4. Sanitary

The cobra has a large food intake, strong digestion and more defecation after eating. The snake farm and snake nest should be cleaned in time every day. It is best to disinfect the ditch or pool with 1/10000 potassium permanganate every week and keep a certain amount of potassium permanganate in the water to ensure that snakes clean their skin when swimming and prevent bacterial infection.

In addition, the cobra is highly toxic and aggressive, so breeders should pay attention to safety and take good protective measures in daily management.