
How about the prospects for chicken farming? What to prepare before breeding?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Luhua chicken is a native chicken breed in China. It is very rich in nutrition, containing protein, vitamins and minerals. It has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, nourishing blood and stabilizing fetus, and is welcomed by consumers. Today, I would like to introduce you to the prospects of reed-flower chicken breeding. I. Lu

Luhua chicken is a native chicken breed in China. It is very nutritious and contains protein, vitamins and minerals. It has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, nourishing blood and calming the fetus, and is deeply welcomed by consumers. Today, I would like to introduce to you the prospect of breeding Luhua chicken.

First, what is the prospect of breeding Luhua chicken?

1. Market demand

With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for broilers and laying hens that are common in the market is gradually decreasing, and small meat and egg varieties such as Luhua chicken are becoming more and more popular among consumers. And its rich nutrition, very suitable for pregnant women to eat, so many pregnant mothers will specially buy Luhua chicken to nourish the body.

two。 Advantages of Luhua chicken

Luhua chicken is a native chicken with good reproductive performance and fresh and tender meat. It also has a strong ability to recognize the nest, no matter how far the food is during the day, it can return to the nest in the evening, so it is suitable for plains, hills, grasslands and mountains. Its feces can increase nutrients for plants, achieve circular development, and have good ecological benefits.

3. Cost and profit

Generally speaking, the seedling price of each purebred Luhua chicken is 6-8 yuan, plus feed, vaccine, as well as water and electricity fees, labor costs, etc., the total cost of each Luhua chicken before going out is about 60-65 yuan. Now the market price of Luhua chicken is about 35 yuan per jin, and each chicken weighs 4-5 jin when it comes out of the column, and the income is 120-150 yuan. Excluding the cost, the net profit is about 60-85 yuan.

4. Breeding risk

The environmental hygiene of the chicken house is well done, especially the excreta and feed should be cleaned in time, so as not to cause ammonia poisoning. The chicken coop should be disinfected regularly to avoid infection.

Second, what preparations should be made before raising Luhua chickens?

The price of Luhua chicken is relatively high, so it is difficult to sell as large as ordinary domestic chickens, so it is necessary to determine the market in the early stage of breeding and sign a good cooperation agreement with customers, so as to avoid worrying about marketing in the later stage, resulting in unnecessary losses.

What are the prospects for breeding Luhua chicken? What preparations should be made before breeding? I hope it will be helpful to all of you.