
Culture methods and matters needing attention of colored leaf evergreen

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Colorful evergreen plants have gorgeous leaves and green seasons, making them excellent indoor foliage products. But the juice of the plant is poisonous and should not be contaminated or eaten by mistake. The following is to introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of color leaf evergreen! First, the cultivation of colorful leaves and evergreen

Colorful evergreen plants have gorgeous leaves and green seasons, making them excellent indoor foliage products. But the juice of the plant is poisonous and should not be contaminated or eaten by mistake. The following is to introduce the breeding methods and matters needing attention of color leaf evergreen!

I. the culture method of colored leaf evergreen

1. Soil

Loose and fertile soil had better be loose, fertile, weak acid, good drainage and strong water retention and fertility of sandy loam and humus soil. It can be prepared with 60% rotten leaf soil, 30% sand and 10% barnyard manure.

2. Lighting

Like half-shade, it is best to have 2-3 hours of scattered sunlight every day to avoid direct light, otherwise it will make the leaves upright, small and yellow or produce large area scorching and whitening. There should be more sunshine in the morning and evening in spring and autumn. If it is placed in a darker corner for a long time due to special needs, the stems and leaves will be long and delicate, and the leaf color will gradually fade, which can be solved by strengthening artificial lighting or indoor and outdoor rotation.

3. Temperature

Like warmth, grow at a suitable temperature of 20-30 ℃, be afraid of cold, keep 12-16 ℃ in winter, and control water and stop fertilizing. It is easy to lose leaves when the temperature is lower than 12 ℃, and frost injury occurs when the temperature is too low. Like moist April-September growth is exuberant, to pour enough water, but can not make the basin soil too wet for a long time, otherwise it will inevitably lead to yellow leaves rotten roots. In hot summer, the soil around the flowerpot should be sprayed with water many times to increase the humidity of the air.

4. Fertilizer and water

Like fertilizer, generally grow strong and fast, need more fertilizer. During the growing period, soybean cake liquid fertilizer should be applied every half a month; during the overwintering period, phosphate fertilizer should be applied in Lesser Cold and Greater Cold respectively, not more nitrogen fertilizer. Adhere to thin fertilizer and apply it diligently. In cultivation, the leaf surface should be lightly wiped with a sponge dipped in warm water every ten days to prevent the leaf stomata from being blocked by oil dirt and smoke. At the same time, proper pruning of some old leaves every 1-2 months can make the new leaves grow rapidly and strongly.

II. Matters needing attention in the culture of colored leaf evergreen

1. Pay attention to ventilation

Like ventilation, the plant's large leaves, require fresh air circulation, avoid pollution. However, when ventilating, it is necessary to avoid passing through the hall wind, strong wind, dry and cold wind, so as to avoid blade damage.

2. Disease and pest control

Diseases: the common diseases are bacterial leaf spot, brown spot, anthracnose, gray blight, rot, stem rot, virus, ring disease, gray mold and so on. Leaf spot. Prevention and treatment: in the early or later stages of the disease, 0.5% murine 1% Bordeaux solution or 50% carbendazim 800 times solution can be sprayed once a week for 3-4 times in a row.