
What species of monkeys?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Monkeys are relatively high-level animals in the animal kingdom. They are generally seen in ecological parks or tropical forests. What species of monkeys do you have? 1. The macaque is 51~63 cm in length, short tail, cheek pouch, thick body, forelimbs and hind limbs about the same length, thumb can

Monkeys are more advanced animals in the animal kingdom. They are usually found in ecological parks or tropical forests. What are the species of monkeys?

1. Rhesus monkey

The macaque has a length of 51 to 63 cm, a short tail, a cheek pouch, a stout body, a forelimb about as long as the hindlimb, a thumb opposite to the other four fingers, a flexible grip, a low forehead and a raised edge. The head is brown, the back is brown or brown, the lower part is orange or orange red, and the ventral side is grayish yellow. Mainly inhabit in stone mountains and cliffs, stream valleys and river banks of dense forests or sparse forests and rocky mountains, living in groups. Into more than a dozen or even hundreds of large groups. Feed on leaves, twigs and wild vegetables, but also eat birds, eggs, all kinds of insects, and prey on other small animals. When you get in touch with each other, you will make all kinds of sounds or gestures, and combing each other is also an important social activity.

2. Loris

The loris is a small primitive monkey mainly found in the rainforest areas of India and Sri Lanka, with an average body length of 17.5 cm to 26 cm, an average weight of only 85 grams, a pair of big eyes facing forward, and large ears, with big toes opposite to the other four toes, forming the shape of tweezers, can hold things, no tail, dark gray body, silver hair, can be said to be the most lovely and shy animal With a small body and big eyes, he is extremely lovable.

3. Spider monkey

Spider monkeys get their name because their bodies and limbs are very slender, and when they move on the tree, they look like a giant spider from afar. The head is round and small, the tail is longer than the body, hairy and dense, no thumb, can walk upright. Leaping or crawling with slender limbs while moving on trees, and swinging around branches with long tails, living in tropical rainforests of Central and South America, ranging from south of Mexico to Brazil.

4. Colobus monkey

Colobus monkeys are the most beautiful of all monkeys because they have a variety of fur colors and look very funny. Their hip warts are very small, their tails are very long, and there is often a pinch of hair at the end of the tail, some of which are spherical, their cheek pouches are also smaller than ordinary monkeys, and their thumbs have been reduced to a small wart, so they are called colobus monkeys. Some live in the dense jungle, others live in the woods close to the prairie, mainly eat plant buds and leaves, but also eat wild fruits and grains. Each group of colobus monkeys ranges from 9 to 13, led by adult males, who defend their territory with loud voices. Agile movement, can make long-distance jumps between branches. African countries have listed colobus monkeys as precious protected animals because they are greedily hunted and killed by humans because of their beautiful fur.

5. Leaf monkey

There are six species of leaf monkeys in China, namely, black leaf monkey, white-headed leaf monkey, long-tailed leaf monkey, Fisher's leaf monkey, capped leaf monkey and white buttocks leaf monkey, all of which are first-class protected animals in China. Leaf monkeys originated in Europe. Their ancestors traveled from Europe to Asia through Africa, first into Southeast Asia, and then along river valleys or lowlands into subtropical forests with tropical karst landforms in South and Southwest China. That is, they survive and breed in the current distribution area, forming a dominant population.

6. Macaque

The macaque, also known as the red-faced monkey, is a large rhesus monkey with a weight of 5kg, a body length of 50cm and a very short tail, with dark red or purplish red patches on the face, dark brown or dark olive brown on the back, and a slightly lighter belly on the back, also dark brown. Mainly living in 1500-3000 meters of primitive broad-leaved forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest or bamboo forest, feeding on wild fruits, leaves, bamboo shoots, crabs, frogs and other small animals.

7. Baboons

Baboons have a body length of 50.8 cm to 114.2 cm, a tail length of 38.2 cm, a tail length of 38.2 cm, a weight of up to 60 kg, a thick head, a protruding muzzle, small ears, protruding eyebrow arch, sunken eyes, long and pointed canine teeth up to 5 cm, and cheek pouches. Stout, 4 limbs equal, short and thick, suitable for ground activities. There are colorful callus on the buttocks. The hair is yellow, yellow-brown, green-brown to brown, and the tail is generally dark. The hair is rough, with short hairs on the face and ears, long hairs around the face, neck and shoulders in males and shorter hairs in females, mainly in Africa.

8. Yamagi

The mountain pheasant is the largest monkey primate in the world, with a large and long head and a bone protuberance on each side of the nasal bone, with longitudinal ridges, grooves, green skin and bright red between the ridges. The male has about six main grooves on each side, and the red part extends around the nasal bone and the snout. This brightly colored special pattern is shaped like a ghost, so it is called the mountain. Gregarious animals live in small communities and play in the jungle and rocks. the main natural enemies are leopards, but leopards generally hunt only female and underage mountain leopards.

9. Golden Monkey

Golden monkeys have soft hair and upturned noses. There are six species of golden monkeys: Burmese golden monkey, Nujiang golden monkey, Sichuan golden monkey, Yunnan golden monkey, Guizhou golden monkey and Vietnamese golden monkey, of which except Burmese golden monkey and Vietnamese golden monkey, they are all precious animals unique to China. Group alpine forest, to berries, bamboo shoots, moss for food, but also like to eat birds' eggs and other meat, habitat is very high, the long hair on the body can be cold-resistant. All the six varieties are rare and endangered on the red species list.

10. Black leaf monkey

The black-leaf monkey is about 50 to 60 centimeters long, with a small head, a longer tail and slender limbs. There is an upright hair crown on the top of the head, the hair on the back of the body is longer and denser than that on the ventral side, and the warts on the buttocks are larger. The whole body is black and shiny, with white hair on the ear base to the cheeks, and black on the hands and feet. To fruit, seeds, buds and petioles as the main food, but also eat fresh branches and leaves, buds, bamboo shoots, birds and insects, up to more than 80 kinds of food. The tropical rain forest, monsoon rain forest and subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest, which mainly inhabit both sides of rivers and low mountain valleys, live in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and other places at an altitude of less than 1200 meters.