
What kinds of warm water fish do you have?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There are many kinds of fish, some can be eaten, some can be watched, some can be both ornamental and edible, and the nutritional value is very high, according to the species can be divided into more than 20,000 species, what are the species of warm water fish? What kinds of warm-water fish do you have? Warm water fish have grass carp and common carp.

There are many kinds of fish, some can be eaten, some can be watched, some can be both ornamental and edible, and the nutritional value is very high, according to the species can be divided into more than 20,000 species, what are the species of warm water fish?

What kinds of warm-water fish do you have?

Warm water fish include grass carp, carp, crucian carp, Loach, silver carp, bighead carp, blunt snout bream, eel and so on. The survival water temperature is 0.5-38 degrees, the suitable water temperature is 20-32 degrees, the optimum temperature for reproduction is 22-26 degrees, and the optimum temperature for feeding and growth is 25-32 degrees. When the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, the food intake decreases, the growth is slow, and the food intake above 15 degrees increases gradually. The food intake and growth rate above 20 degrees increased significantly.

2. What are the kinds of fish for daily consumption?

1. Crucian carp: beneficial qi and spleen, promoting diuresis and detumescence, clearing heat and detoxification, dredging collaterals and other functions. With fresh crucian carp and pig feet with simmering, even soup consumption, can treat puerpera less milk. Crucian carp oil is beneficial to cardiovascular function, can also reduce blood viscosity and promote blood circulation.

2. Carp: it has the functions of strengthening spleen and appetizer, diuresis and detumescence, relieving cough and relieving asthma, calming fetus and dredging milk, clearing heat and detoxification and so on. Big carp leave scales, remove intestines, simmer and take it to treat jaundice. Take live carp and pig's foot soup to treat pregnant women with less milk. Carp and chuanbei powder are used to cook soup to treat cough and asthma.

3. Silver carp: it has the functions of warming middle qi, warming stomach, moisturizing skin and so on.

4. Herring: it has the functions of replenishing qi and nourishing stomach, dissolving dampness and diuresis, dispelling wind and annoyance, etc. The trace elements such as zinc and selenium are helpful to fight cancer.

5. Blackfish: it has the functions of tonifying spleen and diuresis, removing blood stasis and giving birth to new, clearing heat and dispelling wind, tonifying liver and kidney and so on. Black fish and ginger red jujube cooking has an auxiliary role in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Black fish and brown sugar stew can cure nephritis. Puerpera eat steamed black fish can promote milk and replenish blood.

6. Cuttlefish: it has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, tonifying qi and blood, clearing stomach and relieving fever. It is a health food for women, which has the functions of nourishing blood, eyesight, menstruation, calming the fetus, promoting labor, stopping bleeding, promoting lactation and so on.

7. Grass carp: it has the functions of warming the stomach and calming the liver and dispelling wind.

8. Belt fish: it has the functions of warming stomach, tonifying deficiency, moisturizing skin, dispelling wind, killing insects, tonifying the five internal organs, etc., and can be used as an adjuvant treatment for persistent hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis patients with fresh ribbon fish steamed to take the upper layer of oil to eat, long-term consumption can improve symptoms.