
The Ministry of Finance has supported agricultural industrialization for three years to form 100 characteristic industrial clusters

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, On November 17, the Ministry of Finance issued the Guiding Opinions on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, Supporting Agricultural Advantage and Characteristic Industries and Promoting Agricultural Industrialization Development. According to the guiding opinions, the advantageous characteristic industries included in the priority support scope of comprehensive agricultural development shall be supported continuously through key support.

On November 17, the Ministry of Finance issued the guiding opinions on Comprehensive Agricultural Development, supporting Agricultural advantageous Industries and promoting the Development of Agricultural industrialization. According to the guiding opinions, for the advantageous and characteristic industries that are included in the scope of priority support for comprehensive agricultural development, through key support and continuous support, we will strive to initially form one or two advantageous characteristic industries in each agricultural comprehensive development county in three years. Take the province as the unit to form about 10, and initially form 100 regional agricultural characteristic industrial clusters with large comparative advantage of resources, long extension of industrial chain, integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and strong demonstration and driving role in the country.

The content of support mainly focuses on improving the characteristic industrial chain of agricultural advantages, including seedling breeding, standardized planting base, storage and preservation of agricultural products, processing and utilization of waste, etc.; breeding industry involves breeding livestock and poultry (including aquatic products) breeding, standardized breeding bases, livestock and poultry (including aquatic products) trading places, forage planting, feed processing, harmless treatment of manure, organic fertilizer processing and so on. In addition to the traditional agricultural field, the processing and circulation industry also focuses on processing bases, raw material warehousing, finished product storage and preservation, cold chain logistics, and wholesale markets of producing areas. At the same time, it will also encourage the development of "Internet + Agriculture" and actively support the construction of e-commerce platform for advantageous and characteristic agricultural products.

New changes have also been made in the way of financial funds to support industries with agricultural characteristics, from "leading" to "guiding". The guidance is clear: it is necessary to give full play to the leading and leveraging role of financial funds to financial capital and social capital, adjust and improve the ways in which financial funds support industries with agricultural advantages and characteristics, and gradually form a diversified support system in which loans are mainly discounted interest, supplemented by financial subsidies, and financial equity investment funds coexist.

According to the "opinion," it is necessary to concentrate the limited financial funds for comprehensive agricultural development into supporting regional agricultural industries with advantageous characteristics, solve the problems of small but scattered projects and low efficiency, give full play to the effects of industrial agglomeration in saving costs, promoting innovation, and stimulating economic growth, and improve the efficiency of the use of financial funds for comprehensive agricultural development.

In terms of the restraint mechanism, the State Agricultural Development Office will bring the work of provinces to support agricultural industries with advantages and characteristics into the comprehensive assessment scope of the management work of provincial-level agricultural development institutions. Provinces with high enthusiasm for work and obvious achievements in the development of industries with advantageous characteristics will be tilted in the allocation of funds in the next planning cycle.

According to the "opinion," under the current new situation of rising agricultural production costs and intensified hard constraints on resources and environment, there is an urgent need to strengthen the role of comprehensive agricultural development in supporting industrialization development, so as to improve agricultural quality and efficiency, and continuously increase farmers' income. According to the market changes and development trends, we will establish a dynamic management mechanism for the industries with advantages and characteristics to be supported, so as to improve the accuracy of industrial support.

Agricultural industrialization can solve the problems of excessive supply of low-quality agricultural products in the agricultural product market, improper utilization of agricultural resources and allocation of factors, high cost of agricultural production, agricultural production without income, and so on. The key to the realization of agricultural industrialization lies in the active participation of many agricultural market subjects, such as enterprises, farmers and their organizations, and take the leading organizations as the leading force to extend the supply chain, through the construction of benefit-sharing and risk-sharing mechanisms. organically connect different agricultural industry links into a whole to obtain value-added and high added value.

Li Guoxiang, researcher, Institute of Rural Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Two points need to be paid attention to: first, the development plan of agricultural industrialization should also avoid overcapacity. Just like steel and cement, if apples are developed in all the northern provinces, then the result must be a decline in product prices, diluted profits of enterprises, and a large backlog of agricultural products, especially that industrialization still needs a time process to cultivate, which is not so good to "turn around." attention should be paid to the problem of local differences in advance. Second, in the past, financial support was mainly based on tax concessions, financial subsidies and project support, which made the pre-evaluation, supervision and accountability of the supported enterprises extremely complex, and gave rise to a large number of rent-seeking space. the loan discount can effectively avoid this problem, and the support area will also become larger.

-- Li Wenhai, a financial commentator

The era of industrial Internet is coming. The efficiency of agricultural operation in China is low, and the application space of mobile Internet is huge. Judging from the perfection of Internet infrastructure in rural areas, the guidance of national policies and the trend of industry, the spring tide of "Internet + agriculture" has begun, and the era of big data in agriculture has arrived.

-- analyst at Anxin Securities