
What are the natural enemies of monitor lizards?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Speaking of monitor lizards, many people will think of monsters like King Kong, and what we are talking about here is an animal that really exists in nature, which is the genus of monitor lizards, including the heaviest Komodo dragon and the longest Sasquatra of all lizards.

Speaking of monitor lizards, many people will think of giant beasts like King Kong, and what we are talking about here is an animal that really exists in nature, which is the genus of monitor lizards, including the heaviest Komodo dragon and the longest Sasquatra of all lizards.

Monitor lizards are mainly distributed in Guangxi, Guangdong, southern Yunnan, Hainan and other places in China, most of which are wild. Foreign countries are distributed in Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia and northern Australia. Different monitor lizards live in different environments. Chinese monitor lizards like to live near streams or coastal estuaries, mountain ponds, reservoirs and swamps, while Komodo dragons like to live in grasslands.

Monitor lizards basically have no natural enemies in nature. Giant lizards are aggressive and ferocious. When in danger, they often beat each other with powerful tails. Monitor lizards have many different behaviors when they encounter enemies. Some will climb trees to make noise, and some will spray food to escape. But more often, it is to fight with each other.

The original number of monitor lizards is not large, but it has high economic value, which causes people to catch them at will, so that the original small number of monitor lizards have reached the brink of extinction. In 1989, it was listed in China's National key protected Wildlife list, designated as a first-class protected animal, and also included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Indonesia has also established a national park on the island of Komodo to strengthen the local Komodo monitor lizard family.

There are many species of monitor lizards, and the most ferocious Komodo dragons attack humans when food is insufficient. More than a dozen Komodo dragons attacked humans in 2010. And generally monitor lizards will have venom in their mouths, which can easily be fatal. When you encounter monitor lizards in the wild, you must be more careful.

These are some little knowledge about monitor lizards. Friends who are interested in monitor lizards can go online to learn more about this species, and some monitor lizards can also be farmed.