
In which month does Qiuju open?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There are many kinds of chrysanthemums, and different varieties have different opening seasons. Do you know in which month Qiuju opens? Let's have a look! First, autumn chrysanthemum opens in a few months. Autumn chrysanthemum usually opens from October to November every year. There are many varieties of chrysanthemum, according to sunshine conditions and species.

There are many kinds of chrysanthemums, and different varieties have different opening seasons. Do you know in which month Qiuju opens? Let's have a look!

In which month does Qiuju open

Autumn chrysanthemum usually opens from October to November every year. There are many varieties of chrysanthemum, and the opening time will be different according to the sunshine conditions and planting environment.

What is the value of chrysanthemum

1. Medicinal value

White chrysanthemum taste sweet, clearing heat is slightly weaker, longer than calming the liver and eyesight; yellow chrysanthemum taste bitter, strong heat release, often used to evacuate wind and heat; wild chrysanthemum taste very bitter, heat-clearing and detoxification power is very strong. The stems and leaves of wild chrysanthemum are similar in function to flowers, no matter they are taken internally or externally, they all have effects. Mulberry leaves and chrysanthemums can evacuate wind and heat, clear the lungs and liver, so they are susceptible to wind and heat, fever, headache, eye swelling and pain, and so on. But the efficacy of mulberry leaves in soothing wind and clearing lungs is better, so to treat lung dryness and cough, often use mulberry leaves instead of chrysanthemums; chrysanthemums are longer than Pinggan Yang, and can clear heat and detoxification.

2. Ornamental value

According to the florescence sooner or later, there are early chrysanthemums (blooming in September), autumn chrysanthemums (October to November) and late chrysanthemums (December to January), but after hard cultivation by horticulturists, there are also May chrysanthemums that bloom in May and July chrysanthemums that bloom in July. Chrysanthemums are short-day plants. In the art of chrysanthemum in China, the flowering of autumn chrysanthemum has been advanced or delayed according to this biological characteristic, so as to decorate the festival scene, park flower bed or bonsai.

The relevant questions about autumn chrysanthemum are summarized and sorted out for you today by I hope this article will be helpful to you.