
What kind of soil is used to raise dwarf bamboo in Tangshan?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Raising Tangshan dwarf bamboo is called Tangshan asparagus, which is very elegant and evergreen. So what kind of soil is used to raise dwarf bamboo in Tangshan? Let's have a look! First, what kind of soil is used to raise Tangshan dwarf bamboo? Tangshan dwarf bamboo needs soil that drains smoothly and can maintain a certain degree of moisture. If there is

Raising Tangshan dwarf bamboo is called Tangshan asparagus, which is very elegant and evergreen. So what kind of soil is used to raise dwarf bamboo in Tangshan? Let's have a look!

What kind of soil is used to raise dwarf bamboo in Tangshan?

Tangshan dwarf asparagus needs soil that drains well and maintains a certain degree of moisture. If there are conditions, you can use peat soil with about 20% perlite for cultivation, and then use pastoral soil with a certain proportion of rotten leaf soil, do not use sandy soil.

2. Cultivation techniques of dwarf asparagus in Tangshan.

1. Soil and flowerpot: the choice of soil is very critical, it is the basis of raising asparagus balls. Asparagus balls like tide and humidity and are afraid of stagnant water and drought, so the soil is best able to maintain a certain amount of humidity but also conducive to drainage. If there are conditions, you can use peat soil with about 20% perlite for cultivation, and then you can use pastoral soil with a certain proportion of rotten leaf soil, do not use sandy soil cultivation, otherwise watering is not timely, it is easy to make asparagus balls lack of water and yellow leaves. The flowerpot is not easy to be too large, lest the plant root is anoxic and rotten if the pot soil is not dry for a long time; the flowerpot should not be too small, otherwise it is easy to cause frequent lack of water in the pot soil, which will affect the normal growth of the plant. In addition, if the local soil is alkaline, try to use humus-rich soil as much as possible.

two。 Light: asparagus balls like the environment with plenty of light, which can be slightly shady but not too weak. in the growing period of new branches, the light is too weak and easy to cause new branches to grow, affecting the overall coordination and beauty. In summer, when the light is strong in the south, it is necessary to do appropriate shading to avoid accelerated aging or even burns and yellowing of leaves due to sun exposure. It has been proved by experiments in the north that sun exposure has little effect on plants.

3. Watering: as mentioned above, the needle characteristics of asparagus ball will affect our judgment of its water shortage state, so it is necessary to judge whether it is lack of water by the condition of basin soil in the usual maintenance process. The topsoil of the flowerpot should be watered when it is dry. If it is not dry, it should be watered thoroughly. Do not flood for a long time during the dormant period of low temperature or high temperature. The specific watering frequency and amount of water should be determined according to the ambient temperature and the type of soil. You must not rigidly apply books or online materials to water regularly for a few days.

4. Fertilization: asparagus balls like thin and light fertilizer, and it is easy to apply thin fertilizer frequently during maintenance. Asparagus balls have poor tolerance to high concentrations of fertilizer and water, and the burns of plants with too much fertilizer are not obvious at that time, and it is too late to be detected later, so do not apply too much fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer.