
The cultivation of family goldfish

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Goldfish is that many people will raise some ornamental goldfish at home, which not only looks good, but also makes the family more lively. So what are the ways to raise goldfish in the family? First, the fish tank prepares a relatively wide fish tank, the quality of the fish tank is not too good, as long as it is better than

Goldfish is that many people will raise some ornamental goldfish at home, which not only looks good, but also makes the family more lively. So what are the ways to raise goldfish in the family?

1. Fish tank

Prepare a relatively wide fish tank, the quality of the fish tank is not too good, as long as it is in line with the usual feeding conditions. But the fish tank must choose a relatively clean, several times must be three or five days in advance, the water needed in the fish tank will be well dried. In fact, the source of water can choose tap water, but what you should know is that tap water contains a lot of chemicals, as well as some other bacteria, which are likely to have adverse effects on the health of goldfish. So be sure to put the water in the fish tank a few days in advance and put it in the sun for exposure, which can not only volatilize some chemicals in the water. At the same time, sunlight should be able to kill bacteria. The advantage of this is that it can provide a relatively healthy environment for goldfish to grow up.

Second, choose goldfish

In fact, there are not many requirements for the choice of goldfish, but we must choose goldfish that are more lively and can swim around in the fish tank, so that their mental state and physical health are also better. After taking it home and raising it, it will also be able to survive for a long time. In fact, there are no special requirements for the species, unless pet owners have a special feeling about goldfish, in which case, they can choose some species of goldfish.

Third, put it into the fish tank

First put them in a relatively dark environment, let them first adapt to the surrounding environment, but also ease their psychological tension, so that they will not easily produce a state of death. On the second day or the third day, you can actually put them in the fish tank, but do not watch them at any time. After all, goldfish, like other small animals, are very tense small animals. If humans watch them for a long time, they are likely to become anorexic, or even do not eat, resulting in death. So pet owners put them in the fish tank and add a certain amount of fish food to them, and then they can leave.

Fourth, feeding

When feeding goldfish at ordinary times, be sure to choose healthier fish food, and never choose some inferior but large ones because they are cheap, which will have a very bad impact on their health. Many people can not raise live goldfish because they choose some inferior food, and the usual nutrients are not balanced enough. In fact, there is no special point to choose fish food, as long as it is what the goldfish like, but we can not often only feed the fish, so that their nutritional structure is relatively simple, which is not good for their growth.

5. Change water

The best water for fish culture is trapped water, which has high oxygen solubility and is suitable for the survival of aquatic organisms such as fish. Pour water into the bowl and place it in the sun and in a well-ventilated place for a long time. Then put the water into the fish tank. You should pay attention to changing only half or 1/3 at a time, otherwise the goldfish will not adapt to the new environment.