
How do Burmese tortoises survive the winter?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There are many people who breed turtles, and turtles are divided into types and varieties. Today, the editor will introduce to you how Burmese tortoises spend the winter. Let's take a look. How do Burmese tortoises spend the winter Burmese tortoises get into the deep hibernation of hay. The master can.

There are many people who breed turtles, and turtles are divided into types and varieties. Today, the editor will introduce to you how Burmese tortoises spend the winter. Let's take a look.

I. how do Burmese tortoises spend the winter

Burmese tortoises hibernate in the deep hay during the winter. The owner can prepare a large cardboard box with waterproof film on the bottom, followed by vermiculite and hay, which usually allows Burmese tortoises to climb into it and have a rest.

II. Preparation of Burmese tortoises before winter

1. The first hibernating Burmese tortoise has been kept healthily in the hands of its owner for at least three months, because only in this way can the owner master the correct breeding method and ensure that the Burmese tortoise is already very familiar with the living environment. Secondly, the individual Burmese tortoise preparing for hibernation should be larger, and the abdominal nail length of 10 cm is the safest. Third, the Burmese tortoise preparing for hibernation should be healthy and disease-free.

2. The preparation work began in summer, to be exact. The high temperature in summer is the season with the highest growth rate of tortoises in Myanmar. In summer, we should seize the opportunity to feed Burmese land turtles to the "white and fat" and take good care of their health.

3. During the transition between autumn and winter, the environment can begin to prepare for the hibernation of Burmese tortoises when the daytime temperature is 20 degrees. First of all, the owner should make an assessment of his feeding during this period of time, whether the Burmese land in his hands has enough energy to survive the winter and whether it is healthy. Second, stop eating completely.

4. Burmese tortoises begin to eat less when the temperature drops in autumn. once the temperature rises, their appetite increases again, but once they start hibernation, they will not be fed at all. even if the temperature rises one day, Burmese tortoises should not be fed even if the temperature rises and hungry everywhere for food. When my Burmese tortoise is hungry, he will go crazy looking for food, and whether he can eat it or not, he even eats millet. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no foreign bodies in its environment, so as to avoid Burmese tortoises being hungry.