
Shanghai merchants place an order of 5000 mu of muskmelon

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, On December 26, 2015, the seedling base of Hongyuan melon and vegetable cooperative in Yandian Town, Shenxian County, Shandong Province was green. Wang Junguo, president of the cooperative, told me: this is an order melon from an old customer in Shanghai, with a total of 5000 mu. I'm going to put it all on the Macao and Hong Kong markets.

Wang Junguo, president of the cooperative, told me: "this is an order of 5000 mu of melons from an old customer in Shanghai," Wang Junguo, president of the cooperative, told me on December 26th, when the seedling base of the Hongyuan melon and vegetable cooperative in Yandian Town, Shenxian County, Shandong Province, was green. Ready to be put on the Macao and Hong Kong markets. "

The "crispy pear" melon cultivated by the cooperative is as sweet as honey and crisp as pear. The "green handsome" melon is green, crisp and refreshing, and sells well. In 2014, the Shanghai businessman Mu Ming came to Yadian Town, Shenxian County to collect cantaloupe. He is ready to open up the high-end market in Hong Kong and Macao and seek further cooperation.

Wang Junguo took the merchants to inspect the cooperative bases in Dezhou, Shandong, Handan, Hebei, Huaxian, Henan, and other places. The merchants were reassured and signed a large order of 5000 mu at one stroke. "the goods will be supplied from around March 10 to the end of October, with daily orders of about 50,000 kilograms. Farmers only need to plant melons well and don't have to worry about sales. " Wang Junguo said.

Yandian Town is the earliest town in Shenxian County to grow cantaloupe. It has been cultivated meticulously for 20 years, creating a gold-lettered signboard. The cantaloupe new variety test and extension base managed by Hongyuan melon and fruit vegetable cooperative is led by the town government, which is used for the display and transformation of practical new technology achievements, technology demonstration and promotion, industry guidance and drive, radiating more than 10 villages.

In Shenxian County, the perennial sown area of melons and vegetables is 960000 mu, the sown area of edible fungi is 7 million square meters, the annual output of melons, vegetables and fungi is 4.7 million tons, there are 65 standardized vegetable bases of more than 200mu, and there are 38 leading industrialization enterprises above the municipal level, with an annual trading volume of 5 billion yuan.