
How much is a chinchilla in 2019? How do you raise it?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Chinchilla is docile and easy to raise. It is one of the most popular pets in recent years. Many people want to keep a lovely chinchilla. How much is a chinchilla in 2019? How do you raise it? How much is a chinchilla in 2019? There are many chinchillas.

Chinchillas are gentle and easy to raise. They are one of the popular pets in recent years. Many people want to raise a cute chinchillas. How much does a chinchilla cost in 2019? How?

I. How much does a chinchilla cost in 2019?

Chinchillas have many colors, different colors of chinchillas, prices are not the same. The most common chinchilla color is gray is also the cheapest price, this chinchilla about a few hundred yuan, the cheapest has 300 yuan, a good appearance about 800 yuan, of course, there are more expensive, but generally around 1000 yuan.

If the chinchilla color is rare, such as gold, the price may be more expensive, in 3000 yuan or more, if the appearance is good, the price may reach 5000-6000 yuan.

Second, how to raise chinchillas?

Chinchillas are docile and lively. They don't stop for a moment. They seem to be children with ADHD. They are friendly to people and won't attack others. Chinchilla was originally a highland animal, living in a harsh environment, high resistance, tenacious vitality, not easy to get sick, and it is very clean, rarely infected with bacteria for skin diseases. It would also bathe itself, but its owner had to prepare the sand bath early. It would roll around in it and wash itself. There was no need to worry about it sticking to people and causing trouble.

Cats eat very simple, like to eat vegetarian food, the feces discharged are dry small particles, and there is no smell. If you want to raise a few chinchillas is also possible, but to ensure that each chinchilla has enough space, enough for them to jump around. If they are not purchased together, pay attention to whether they get along well. It takes time for them to get used to each other so that they can get along well.

Chinchilla pups are fed rat food, grass, alfalfa and the like until nine months of age. In order to prevent food uniformity, you can change it every day, so you won't get tired of eating, you can't feed it snacks just because the baby doesn't eat, it's too young to digest these foods. After nine months, chinchilla will be adult. You can give it no alfalfa. Besides the main food, you can also give it a small amount of snacks, such as fresh carrots, apples or other fruits, but don't give too much. Just give it a few grains a day.

Chinchillas were highland animals and were relatively cold-resistant. They could be fed less water, but the drinking water they were fed must be clean. They could not be given tap water directly. It was usually cold boiled water or mineral water. It was enough for an adult chinchilla to have 20 to 40 milliliters of water a day. It was easy to have diarrhea if they drank too much.

Chinchillas are still relatively easy to raise, and Chinchillas are cute and cute, and have been loved by many people in recent years. But a lively and lovely chinchilla, but also rely on the careful care of the owner.