
What kind of grass does lobster like to eat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lobster is a common aquatic product in daily life, and it is very popular in summer. at present, it is being bred in many areas. what grass does lobster like to eat? What kind of grass does lobster like to eat? Lobsters like to eat eye grass, verticillium verticillata, goldfish algae, water hyacinth,

Lobster is a common aquatic product in daily life, and it is very popular in summer. at present, it is being bred in many areas. what grass does lobster like to eat?

What kind of grass does lobster like to eat?

Lobsters like to eat the buds of aquatic plants such as eye grass, verticillium verticillata, goldfish algae, hyacinth, duckweed, bitter grass and so on. Also like to eat small fish, earthworms, snail clams and livestock offal and other animal bait and some soybeans, bean cakes, corn and other plant bait.

Second, how to plant lobster aquatic plants?

The main results are as follows: 1. Transplanting method: verticillum verticillata, Eloe algae and other stemmed aquatic plants are suitable for transplanting, and generally choose to be planted in winter and spring. The method is to cut the aquatic plants into small sections, with a length of 15 cm to 20 cm. Like transplanting rice seedlings, the bundles of cut grasses are evenly planted in the mud at the bottom of the pool, and the plant and row spacing are controlled at about 20 cm respectively. After planting, inject 20-30cm water into the shrimp pond and gradually deepen the water level after the water plants grow all over the pond.

2. Throwing planting method: floating-leaf plants such as lotus and water lilies can be wrapped in soft mud and then directly thrown into the pond so that their rhizomes can grow in the sediment and let their leaves float on the surface of the water.

3, transplanting method: Zizania caduciflora, Zizania latifolia and other water-bearing plants should be transplanted by roots. when transplanting, the injured leaves and slender and shoddy seedlings should be removed, and the transplanting location can be in the shoal on the edge of the pool, requiring that the root of the seedlings should enter water between 10 and 20 centimeters, and the density should be controlled at 30 to 50 ∕ 667m2.

4. Cultivation method: for floating plants such as water peanuts, water hyacinth and duckweed, bamboo poles and grass ropes can be used in the pond as a "special zone" for intensive cultivation, so that the above-mentioned aquatic plants can grow and reproduce in the "special zone" environment. As a supplement when there is a shortage of water plants in shrimp ponds.

5. Sowing method: the most commonly used aquatic grass is Sophora flavescens. The sowing method of bitter grass is suitable for shrimp ponds with less silt. Soak the bitter grass seed in water for 1 day, then crush the soft fruit, rub out the fine seeds in the fruit, add about 10 times the amount of fine sand, mix well with the seeds before sowing. When sowing, the water level is controlled at 10-20 cm, and the sowing rate is about 50 grams per 667 square meters. After sowing, the management should be strengthened to improve the survival rate of Sophora flavescens so as to form a dominant population as soon as possible.