
The difference between slate turtles and grass turtles

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Grass turtle is a common kind of turtle in daily life, and many people like to keep it as a pet. What is the difference between slate turtle and grass turtle? What is the difference between slate turtles and grass turtles? The stone turtle's dorsal nail bridge is obvious, with a longitudinal edge, and the dorsal ventral nail is connected by ligaments.

Grass turtle is a common kind of turtle in daily life, and many people like to keep it as a pet. What is the difference between slate turtle and grass turtle?

What is the difference between slate turtles and grass turtles?

The stone turtle back nail bridge is obvious, a longitudinal edge, the dorsal ventral nail is connected by ligaments, the whole body color is mainly yellow, there are large ink stains alternately on the outside of each shield, and the middle is yellow; the grass turtle back armour is flat and has three longitudinal edges, the whole body color is mainly ink black, there are dark yellow stripes and yellow spots on the side of the head and throat, the abdominal nail is brown, and there are large black-brown patches in the middle of each shield.

How to raise grass turtles?

1. Never use tap water to raise a tortoise. If you want to use tap water, put the tap water in the sun for 3 days, or precipitate the tap water, and then feed it with the upper layer water. If you are in trouble, you can buy it mineral water (that's what I am now).

2. Tortoise cylinder, the more you restore the natural state, the better. You don't always have to change big vats, and the turtles feel free to move. The cylinder wall is higher to prevent it from climbing out. There is water and land. The best water depth is 3 times the thickness of the tortoise shell. The bottom of the water can swoop on sand and rain flower stone, and plant several water plants. Raise a few more small fish. Get another land. If you buy a turtle tank, there will be stairs and land. If the ordinary fish tank will put a big stone. Put it where the sun can shine. This is the simplest way to put it. If you have the conditions, you can buy an ultraviolet lamp and put it 30 centimeters high from the turtle box to shine on it for 15 minutes a day for 20 minutes. Buy heating rods when the temperature is low in cold weather, the temperature is 25 degrees.

3. Water quality, if you are diligent, you'd better change the water every day and wash the sand. If you are lazy, buy a filtration system. Even then, it has to be changed once a week. It is important for turtles to change water frequently. Add a little salt to the newly changed water. Don't be too cold. Otherwise they will get a lot of diseases.

4. Food, turtles are omnivores and love meat when they are young. Can feed small fish, shrimp, pig liver, red worm, cockroach and so on. Turtles usually eat in the water. Turtles tend to be vegetarian when they get older. They can eat water plants. You can feed some washed vegetables. If you are too lazy to play with the mess, buy a box of turtle food and eat it slowly. High-quality turtle food is rich in calcium, protein, fiber, fat, vitamin A, B12, C, D3, E. If it is nutritious, it must not be very delicious. The turtles must think so, too. Feed a moderate amount of food, the digestive system of the turtle is not very good. The turtle is too small to feed too big shrimp and so on to help it cut up. When they finish eating, fish out the leftover food.

5. Bask in the sun. When it is warm, you can put it in the sun for about 15 minutes. Be careful not to be exposed to the sun! The sunshine is best at ninety o'clock in the morning and three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Regular exposure to the sun can supplement calcium and kill bacteria in the cracks in its shell.

6. Safety. If you have cats and dogs at home, you should add barbed wire to the turtle tank. Many turtles died under the claws of cats and dogs. The turtle vats should be so high that they can't climb out. Be careful that you can't climb out even if you step on the stone land in the jar. Pay attention to give them a bath every day when you raise them. To prevent death from drought. Be careful not to let them fall when they climb high. Especially those who raise turtles on the balcony must not let them climb out and fall downstairs! It's dangerous!

Hibernation, hibernation is very important to turtles. When the temperature is below 12 degrees, they begin to hibernate. In the north, it probably starts at the end of October to March of the following year. Newborn turtles had better not hibernate in the first year, and weak and sick turtles had better not hibernate.

8. Do not hibernate, young turtles, weak turtles and turtles bought during hibernation should not let them hibernate. Because they don't do the intestinal cleansing before hibernation.