
How much is a hawksbill turtle? How much is the hawksbill turtle bracelet? What's the use of wearing hawksbill turtle?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Hawksbill turtle is a kind of sea turtle, but its appearance is very beautiful, and it is often used to make handicrafts. It is deeply loved by women as jewelry, which leads to the high price in the market. So how much is a hawksbill turtle? How much is the hawksbill turtle bracelet? What's the use of wearing hawksbill turtle? I.

Hawksbill turtle is a kind of sea turtle, but its appearance is very beautiful, and it is often used to make handicrafts. It is deeply loved by women as jewelry, which leads to the high price in the market. So how much is a hawksbill turtle? How much is the hawksbill turtle bracelet? What's the use of wearing hawksbill turtle?

How much is a hawksbill turtle?

Hawksbill turtle is a kind of ornamental sea turtle, the price of hawksbill turtle should be judged according to the pattern, the price of blood color enough beautiful pattern is higher; generally speaking, the price of deep-sea hawksbill turtle is higher; the price of complete specimen is higher than that of a single tortoise shell. If the tortoise beetle with a length of 80 centimeters is relatively large and rare. It is about 7000-8000 according to the market price.

Hawksbill turtle is a relatively rare sea turtle, is a national second-class protected animals, relatively rare and rare, coupled with people wantonly fishing hawksbill turtle, resulting in more and more rare hawksbill turtle, higher and higher value.

How much is the hawksbill turtle bracelet?

Hawksbill turtle is generally used as jewelry, the price of hawksbill turtle bracelet depends on color, size, craftsmanship, etc., generally speaking, the price of hawksbill turtle bracelet is not too expensive.

1. Thin hawksbill turtle bracelet: thickness below 3mm, hawksbill turtle age not more than 20 years, the market price is about 500yuan.

two。 Thick hawksbill turtle bracelet: thickness 3mm-4mm, hawksbill turtle growth age 20-50 years, market price 700-900 yuan.

3. Super thick hawksbill turtle bracelet: thickness more than 4m, hawksbill turtle growth at the end of more than 50 years, the market price of more than 1000 yuan, more than 5mm is very rare, the price is not less than 1700 yuan. More than 5mm belongs to collectible grade baby, the price is more than 3000 yuan.

Third, the advantages of wearing hawksbill turtle

1. Hawksbill turtle bracelet is an organic gem. It is not cold to wear in winter and not hot in summer. This is the biggest advantage of hawksbill turtle jewelry.

two。 Wearing a hawksbill turtle bracelet has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, the hawksbill turtle bracelet is cold and contains protein and colloid, which is good for the human body. Many female friends have shoulder pain, and some have scapulohumeral periarthritis. Wearing a hawksbill turtle bracelet will calm the mind and remove the pain.

3. Hawksbill turtle bracelet has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, calming the liver and calming down shock. Can be used to treat fever dizziness, convulsions, stroke symptoms of Yang hyperactivity. Among them, the famous hawksbill pill for the treatment of evil in torrent wind is composed of hawksbill turtle, benzoin, cinnabar, realgar, amber, musk and borneol.

4. Tortoise is a symbol of health and longevity, therefore, wearing hawksbill turtle has the saying of keeping health and longevity. In ancient mythology, Black Tortoise, one of the four immortal beasts, is said to be today's hawksbill turtle, which has great powers and can avert danger. Therefore, in people's eyes, hawksbill turtle bracelet has a magical effect to ward off evil spirits.

Hawksbill turtle food has certain benefits, but hawksbill turtle should not be soaked in hot water, be careful not to come into contact with acidic liquid, need careful maintenance.