
Qingyang Xifeng District seed Management Station actively develops crop species in autumn and winter.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Since the beginning of winter, Xifeng District seed Management Station has actively carried out seed quality and safety production inspection of agricultural bank crop seed enterprises (stores) in the area, mainly for melon and vegetable seeds sold in autumn and winter. 2. Four quality indicators and crop seed enterprises (door

Since the beginning of winter, Xifeng District seed Management Station has actively carried out seed quality and safety production inspection of agricultural bank crop seed enterprises (stores) in the area, mainly for melon and vegetable seeds sold in autumn and winter. 2. Four quality indicators and hidden dangers in production safety of crop seed enterprises (stores) were inspected. A total of 4 enterprises and 180 stores were inspected to protect my crop seed production in autumn and winter.