
What should novice bees pay attention to? Common mistakes of beginners in stocktaking

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Honey has always been loved by people, so many farmers are raising bees. With the price of honey rising, more and more people begin to raise bees, so what should novice bees pay attention to? Common mistakes made by beginners in stocktaking. 1. One box of double kings

Honey has always been loved by people, so many farmers are raising bees. With the price of honey rising, more and more people begin to raise bees, so what should novice bees pay attention to? Common mistakes made by beginners in stocktaking.

1. One box of double kings

It is feasible to have two queen bees in one hive, but it takes years of breeding experience to complete. Doing this without knowing a lot about the habits of bees will only bring down the colony. Problems such as how to place the two queen bees, how the two colonies live in harmony, how to set up the hive and so on all need to be accumulated slowly in the later stage. You can't want to do it when you see how many benefits there are in a box of Shuangwang. It is taboo to raise bees to aim too high.

2. Blind expansion

The expansion of the colony will be limited by the local honey source, which is the most vulnerable thing for beginners. Optimistically estimated the output of nearby honey sources, blindly expanded the bee colony, and finally led to the lack of honey source, honey theft and even colony fighting, resulting in unnecessary losses. Secondly, the production of honey is limited by the honey source, not by the colony. The honey source is large and large enough, so it is appropriate to expand. The honey source in this place is only about 20 jin. A bee colony can collect almost all these honey sources in a year, and then you expand to four bee colonies. When the honey source is not enough, the bees will run out.

3. No honey is left in the beehive

The season for harvesting honey is happy, and some novice farmers will find that there are no bees in the hive after harvest, which is caused by the absence of honey in the hive. Farmers collect more honey, so that the bees in the hive have no source of food, and they have to leave in order to survive. If you stay less, the queen's nutrition will not keep up, and the spawning will be restricted, so that the colony will worsen, and the hatching of the young bees will not be as fast as the old bees' death. Finally, the colony will weaken and it will take a long time to recover. Therefore, the extraction of honey also needs the right amount.

4. Bee spleen is unreasonable.

Novice farmers should understand that the more the spleen, the better, the blind increase will lead to the temperature imbalance of the hive. Can not cool down in summer, can not keep warm in winter, it is easy to cause bee colony disease problems. Secondly, it is extremely easy to cause nest worms, especially in the case of excessive spleen, which is even more likely to occur, and in serious cases, it will destroy the entire colony. Bee spleen has no inevitable effect on the production of honey, novice farmers do not think that more bee spleen, there will be more bees, can be high yield, we should pay attention to control the number of bee spleen.