
If you want to raise sheep, how to approve the farm? What are the common modes of raising sheep?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, the price of mutton has risen to a certain extent, and many farmers want to step into this project. Raising sheep does not seem to be difficult, and it also has certain prospects, but breeding will involve places and other issues. Let's take a look at how to examine and approve raising sheep.

In recent years, the price of mutton has risen to a certain extent, and many farmers want to step into this project. Raising sheep does not seem to be difficult, and it also has certain prospects, but if you engage in breeding, it will involve places and other issues. Let's take a look at how to approve the farm if you want to raise sheep. What are the common modes of raising sheep?

First, how to approve the farm if you want to raise sheep?

1. Enterprises or individuals applying for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding, whether they are rural collective economic organizations, farmers and animal husbandry cooperative economic organizations or other enterprises or individuals, shall be subject to the consent of the township (town) people's government, submit an application for a large-scale breeding project to the competent animal husbandry department at the county level for the examination and filing.

2. If the rural collective economic organizations, farmers and cooperative economic organizations of animal husbandry apply for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding, after the examination and approval of the competent animal husbandry department at the county level, the township (town) land office shall actively help coordinate the site selection of the land, and go through the formalities of land use record with the land and resources management department at the county level. If the occupation of cultivated land is involved, a guarantee for the restoration of cultivated land shall be signed, and no deposit or deposit shall be collected in principle; if it cannot be restored at the original site, the cultivated land shall be replenished in accordance with the law.

3. Other enterprises or individuals who apply for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding shall, after being examined and approved by the competent animal husbandry department at the county level, the land and resources management departments of the county (city) and township (town) shall actively help coordinate the site selection of the land, and go through the formalities of land use record with the land and resources management department at the county level. Among them, if the land for production facilities and green isolation belt occupies cultivated land, a guarantee for the restoration of farmland shall be signed, and if the original site cannot be restored, the cultivated land shall be replenished in accordance with the law; if the land for ancillary facilities involves the occupation of agricultural land, the examination and approval procedures for the conversion of agricultural land shall be carried out in accordance with the prescribed limits of authority and requirements.

4. The land for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding should be obtained by leasing, subcontracting and other legal means in accordance with the laws and regulations such as the Rural Land contract Law, the Land Management Law and relevant regulations, so as to effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the land owner and the person with the original use right. The land and resources management departments at the county level shall promptly complete the investigation and registration of land changes after the relevant procedures for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding land have been completed. If the construction really needs to occupy the land for large-scale livestock and poultry breeding, it shall, in accordance with the planning and layout and the requirements of breeding enterprises or individuals, re-implement the new breeding land accordingly, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of breeding enterprises and individuals in accordance with the law.

Second, what are the common modes of raising sheep?

1. Floor-style sheep house

Floor-style sheephouses are mainly used in hot, rainy and humid areas in the south. Sheep rest on the floor in summer, can achieve ventilation, cool, heat-proof, moisture-proof purpose; in winter sheep can be downstairs activity and rest.

2. House-style sheep house

The house-type sheep house is one of the types of sheep houses commonly used by farmers, which is mostly used in the northern areas of Pingchuan and poor soil quality. In the construction, it is mainly considered from the point of view of thermal insulation. The sheep house is mainly made of brick and wood, and the walls are built with bricks or stones. There are three types of roof: double-sided ridge type, single-sided ridge type and top type. The sheep house is mostly facing south, with a rectangular layout, with a playground and a feeding trough in front, and there is generally no feeding trough in the house.

3. Shed-style sheep shed

Shed-style sheephouses are suitable for use in areas with warm climates. It is characterized by low cost, adequate light and good ventilation. Summer can be used as an Arbor, snow and rainy days can be used as a place for supplementary feeding. This kind of sheep house has walls on three sides, the opening of the sheep shed is on the sunny side, and the front is the playground. The sheep enter the shed at night in winter and usually spend the night in the playground.

4. Fixed feeding trough

A fixed feeding trough is made of cement or brick around or in the middle of the sheep playground. The trough should be wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and the bottom of the trough should be round, and steel bars should be made at the edge of the trough to prevent sheep from stepping into the trough and reduce the pollution of feed by feces and urine.