
What's the nickname of a goose? What are the breeding techniques and market prospects?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Goose is a kind of poultry with high economic value, and it is also a good helper for housekeepers. It is common to raise goose in rural areas. Let's take a look at the nickname of the goose. What are the breeding techniques and market prospects? What's the nickname of the goose? A goose is a domestic goose.

Goose is a kind of poultry with high economic value, and it is also a good helper for housekeepers. It is common to raise goose in rural areas. Let's take a look at the nickname of the goose. What are the breeding techniques and market prospects?

What's the nickname of the goose?

Geese are domestic geese, covered with treasures, especially goose meat and foie gras, which are deeply loved by people. Goose meat is rich in protein, and the proportion of various amino acids is very similar to that of the human body, so the protein in goose meat belongs to full-price protein and high-quality protein. At the same time, the fat content of goose meat is also less, less but of good quality, rich in single unsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid, more than other meat, goose meat also contains more trace elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and so on, so goose meat is very complementary to the human body.

Second, what are the breeding techniques and market prospects of geese?

(1) Culture techniques of geese

1. Generally, large and robust breeds of meat geese should be selected for breeding.

2. During the laying season, geese should be strengthened to increase their egg production. Corn, wheat and bran are mainly fed. Each goose is fed about 100 grams of feed, divided into three times, and 300 grams to 500 grams of green fodder.

3. Geese begin to lay eggs in spring to reduce their egg production when it is hot in summer, increase in autumn when the weather is cooler, and stop laying eggs in winter when it is cold.

4. Meat geese should be fed more green fodder. The production practice of raising meat geese in China has proved that feeding green feed has a good effect on the breeding performance of meat geese. Therefore, we should feed more green fodder in the breeding season of meat geese.

5. Suitable ambient temperature. Meat geese produce less or no eggs in cold and hot times, so in order to increase egg production, special attention should be paid to the ambient temperature, especially in summer.

6. Appropriate lighting time. The light time will also have a great impact on its fecundity, so it is necessary to control the light time reasonably.

7. Ventilation. In addition to controlling the feeding density to remove feces in time and do a good job of hygiene, it is also necessary to ventilate regularly.

(2) the prospect of goose breeding market

Raising geese is relatively simple, less input, but relatively high output, good economic benefits, and low risk, so raising geese is a good way to get rich. The main way to raise geese is to feed green fodder such as grass, and then build some roughage. And the feed source is wide, the price is convenient, so the feeding cost is also low. Geese have good adaptability, good disease resistance and low requirements for the environment. Except goslings, the general house temperature should be kept above 0 ℃.

The production cycle of geese is short. From birth to slaughter listing can be regarded as a production cycle, with a minimum of 2-3 months. Goose gregarious, temperament is also docile, not running around, easy to manage, so it is easier to raise geese.