
What are the natural enemies of desert locusts? How to do a good job of prevention and control in 2020?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Locusts are common insects in farmland, most of which occur in deserts, tropics and temperate grasslands. Not long ago, a locust plague occurred once in 70 years in Africa. This locust plague is mainly short-horned locusts inhabiting the desert. It has strong fecundity.

Locusts are common insects in farmland, mostly in deserts, tropics and temperate grasslands. Not long ago, there was an once-in-70-year locust plague in Africa. This time, locusts are mainly short-horned locusts living in the desert. They have strong fecundity and have had a serious impact on crops. What are the natural enemies of desert locusts? How to do a good job of prevention and control in 2020?

What are the natural enemies of desert locusts?

There are many natural enemies of desert locusts, such as frogs, birds, lizards, insectivorous gadflies, mantis, ants, beetles, etc., so you can catch some common frogs, ants, mantis and so on to control.

Second, how to control desert locusts?

1. Spraying microsporidia, azadirachtin Metarhizium anisopliae and other biological agents has a good control effect on locusts.

2. through raising chickens and ducks to control locusts, locusts hatch for about two weeks is the best time to kill locusts, when locusts can not fly and chickens and ducks eat properly, so biological control is the best way to control pest occurrence, which can not only reduce drug damage and maintain ecological balance, but also gain some benefits by raising chickens and ducks.

3. Using machinery to spray chemical pesticides on a large area, but when using pesticides to control locusts, it will also indirectly kill the natural enemies of locusts and other insects, seriously destroying the ecological balance. The main chemical agents to control locusts are dichlorvos, malathion, cypermethrin, carbamate, Kuaishaling and so on. When using pesticides to control locusts, pesticides should be used in strict accordance with the instructions.

Third, how to do well the prevention and control of desert locusts in 2020?

1. Do a good job in preventing and controlling the plague of grassland locusts

The competent departments of forestry and grassland at all levels should firmly establish a bottom-line thinking consciousness, and must not have any ideological paralysis and take it lightly. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thinking on ecological civilization, we should fully understand the extreme importance of doing a good job in the prevention and control of locust plague, and earnestly fulfill the industry management responsibilities of the competent departments in charge of forestry and grassland. At the same time, according to the principle of territorial management of biological disasters, the responsibility of local subjects should be compacted, the plague of locusts should be strictly prevented due to lax management, and the ecological security of grassland should be maintained.

2. Strengthen monitoring and control to grasp the international and domestic disaster trends of desert locusts in time.

Experts have determined that if the climatic conditions are suitable, the desert locusts may invade Xizang directly from Pakistan and India, or invade Yunnan through Myanmar, or invade Xinjiang through Kazakhstan. Yunnan, Xizang, Xinjiang and other provinces and regions bordering India, Pakistan, and Myanmar should pay close attention to and closely monitor the changes of desert locusts, arrange monitoring points on possible migration paths, and earnestly do a good job in monitoring desert locusts in border areas. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen coordination and communication, carry out inter-provincial cooperation, realize the sharing of information, resources, and technology, and ensure efficient and coordinated work. Important changes in the situation of desert locusts should be promptly reported to the grassland Management Department of our Bureau and the General Station of Forest and grassland Pest and Pest Control.

3. improve the emergency plan and strive to build a long-term mechanism for the prevention and control of grassland locust plague.

The competent departments of forestry and grassland at all levels should strengthen cooperation with agricultural and rural departments, establish and improve mechanisms for joint prevention and control of grassland locust plague and information sharing, especially in the ecotone of agriculture and animal husbandry and the ecotone of forest and grassland. to achieve comprehensive monitoring and effective prevention and control of key areas. It is necessary to strengthen scientific research on material equipment and related technologies for locust plague prevention and control, constantly enrich prevention and control means, and optimize prevention and control measures. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the pre-plan exercise so that once a disaster occurs, it can respond quickly and minimize disaster losses.

4. strengthen the implementation of measures and earnestly do a good job in the prevention and control of grassland locust disaster in 2020.

The competent forestry and grassland departments at all levels should also hold trend discussions in a timely manner, integrate relevant experts from scientific research and teaching institutions, analyze and judge the risks of overseas and local grassland locust plagues, and formulate corresponding countermeasures to prevent problems before they occur. It is necessary to strengthen monitoring work and carry out sub-package work in areas where locust plagues are likely to occur and conduct investigations one by one. According to the migration and development of grassland locusts, timely start the locust monitoring and reporting system and duty system, and timely issue early warning information to guide public opinion. It is necessary to do a good job in the reserve and preparation of locust control agents, equipment, funds, and personnel, and implement such matters as preparing anti-locust aircraft as soon as possible, so as to ensure that prompt and effective measures can be taken in the event of a locust plague. It is necessary to strengthen the building of specialized emergency prevention and control teams, strengthen prevention and control technical training and actual combat drills, and constantly improve the ability of grassland locust disaster prevention and control. Please report the relevant information to our grassland Management Department in time.

In short, there are many natural enemies of desert locusts, but similar to African locusts, relevant prevention and control measures should be taken to minimize disaster losses.