
How much is the price of crispy pork per jin in 2020? What are the breeding techniques? What are the prospects?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Crispy meatloin, originally produced in the Yangtze River Reservoir in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, is one of the geographical indications of Zhongshan City. It is named for its strong, refreshing and crisp meat. How much is the crispy meat per jin in 2020? What are the breeding techniques? What are the prospects? How much crispy meat is it in 2020?

Crispy meatloin, originally produced in the Yangtze River Reservoir in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, is one of the geographical indications of Zhongshan City. It is named for its strong, refreshing and crisp meat. How much is the crispy meat per jin in 2020? What are the breeding techniques? What are the prospects?

How much is the crispy meat per jin in 2020

The price of crispy meat fish fry in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province is 9 yuan per jin, and that of fish fry in Zengcheng District of Guangzhou City is 0.62 yuan per piece. The above are all reference prices, subject to local prices.

2. Culture technology of crispy meatloin

1. Pond selection and requirements

The pond that mainly raises crispy meat should have a silt depth of no more than 20 centimeters, sufficient water source, and a pond depth of more than 2 meters, with a 3-kilowatt aerator for every 5 mu of pond. The pool water requires fresh water quality and sufficient dissolved oxygen (not less than 5 mg / L is appropriate). It is best to use reservoirs, mineral springs, mountain streams and fresh river water.

2. Release of fish species

In order to cultivate crispy meat carp, the fish species must be neat and physically strong, and it is best to cultivate their own fish species if possible, or choose grass carp that are free from epidemic diseases and drug residues in healthy farms, with a specification of about 1.5 kg per tail. the specifications of other breeds of cultured fish, especially carp and other eating species, shall not be larger than those of crispy meat carp.

3. Variety matching and stocking density

In ponds that mainly raise crispy meat, the amount of fish fry should be controlled at about 70% of the total amount of fish. In the ponds with better conditions, about 300 million grass carp with 1.5 kg per mu of water can be put in, 60 silver carp, 20 bighead carp and 10 carp with 0.5 kg per mu can be put together, so as to purify the water body and make full use of the water space and food residue to obtain greater economic benefits.

4. Feed matching and feeding

Breed crispy meat mackerel, do not feed with pellet feed, but put into the raw grain based on broad beans, preferably high-quality northeast broad beans. Broad beans do not need to be crushed, just soak them in water for more than one day and night to soak them thoroughly and soften them, which is convenient for grass carp to eat and digest. The feeding amount of broad bean should be flexibly controlled according to the weather, fish feeding and water quality, and it would be better to finish it before evening every day. At the same time, feed some grass or all kinds of aquatic plants. In addition to barnyardgrass, Reed grass, bitter grass, Potamogeton crispus grass, but also can be fed with artificially planted alfalfa, Sudan grass, ryegrass and other high-quality green feed. In addition, the stems and leaves of all kinds of weeds and vegetables, legumes, melons and corn are good fodder for raising crispy meat. The practice shows that the feeding effect of broad bean and green fodder is very good. This combination can not only meet the nutritional needs of protein, vitamins and cellulose for the growth of crispy meat, but also save a lot of labor, at the same time, it is also very good for purifying water quality and preventing the occurrence of fish diseases.

5. Regular disinfection

Disinfect the food farm every half a month from April to September every year, that is, after eating the fish, use 500 grams of bleach to dissolve water and sprinkle it around the food farm. You can also use the method of hanging bag or basket to distribute medicine. The pool water was disinfected every half a month. The commonly used drugs and their dosage were 1 mg / L bleach, 0.7 mg / L mixture of copper sulfate and ferrous sulfate, 0.5 mg / L trichlorfon and 20 mg / L quicklime. The above drugs should be used alternately in order to have a better effect.

Third, the prospect of culture of crispy meatloin.

Crispy meat carp is a famous and special aquatic product cultivated by using the mineral water of the reservoir, feeding concentrate feed and using the method of intensive cultivation of live water. the protein content is 12% higher than that of ordinary grass carp, and the meat quality becomes strong, refreshing and crispy, and the flavor is also greatly changed. the taste becomes more delicious, especially the fish belly part is the most prominent, it can be described as high-quality fish, deeply loved by consumers, and its market prospects are generally optimistic by the industry.

Crispy meat fish has a wide market demand, and it is not difficult to breed, so it is a good project for farmers. Interested friends can try to breed it.