
How much is a spade worm? Is it poisonous? Is it a pest or a beneficial pest?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the coming of summer, all kinds of insects become active, some are poisonous, and some are beneficial to agriculture. Today, what I would like to introduce to you is the spade worm, also known as the big clip worm, generally living in the forest or the forest, friends in the countryside.

With the coming of summer, all kinds of insects become active, some are poisonous, and some are beneficial to agriculture. What I would like to introduce to you today is the spade worm, also known as the big clamp worm, which generally lives in the forest or in the woods, and friends in the countryside may have seen it. Spade worms have good economic value and are kept as pets. How much is the spade worm? Is it poisonous? Is it a pest or a beneficial pest?

I. introduction of gibberellas

There are many kinds of spade worms, which are popular because of their large size and peculiar appearance, and are used as artificial breeding.

1. What kind of food do spade worms eat?

Adults visit flowers and feed on honey, and some of them are carnivorous. The larvae rotten and feed on the stump and its roots, which can help decompose rotten wood and humus.

two。 What are the natural enemies of spade worms?

Magpies, badgers, foxes, hedgehogs and woodpeckers are all natural enemies of spade worms.

3. Living habits of spade worms

Adults come out at night, most of them have phototaxis, and there are also kinds of daytime activities.

How much is a spade worm?

As there are many kinds of spade worms, the prices of different species are different. Some can sell for tens of yuan each, but a positive arm beetle can only sell for hundreds of yuan. In 2001, a 4.4cm specimen of a positive color arm beetle was sold for 200000 yuan, and the living price was as high as 300, 000 to 400, 000 yuan. In 2019, gold ghost shovels sold for 4000 yuan each in Japan.

However, some species of spade worms have been listed as national protected animals, and the species are particularly rare and forbidden to be caught, which is why the price is so high.

Is the spade worm poisonous?

Spade worms are not poisonous and do not bite, and their mouthparts are only suitable for licking and sucking tree sap, similar to a brush. Males have horns like jaws, which are not used to eat, but to fight with other males and compete for females. The adults of spade worms generally begin to appear at the end of May, and the number is the highest in August.

4. Are scallops a pest or a beneficial insect?

Turtle larvae are beneficial insects, feed on rotten wood, eat saprophytes, live on tree stumps and their roots, can help decompose rotten wood and humus, belong to the decomposers of nature, and the excretion is a good fertilizer and occupies a unique niche. The adults of spade beetles belong to pests, which suck the sap of trees and fruits and do harm to plants to a certain extent.

Wild nymphs are more common in rural areas, but they are extremely difficult to find, so the price will be a little higher.