
The latest course of Carthamus tinctorius cultivation techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Carthamus tinctorius belongs to Compositae 1-year-old or 2-year-old herbs (autumn sowing). It has a long history of cultivation and is a famous medicinal plant with the effect of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. Safflower oil is suitable for all types of atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, stroke and myocardium.

Safflower belongs to Compositae 1-year or 2-year (autumn-sowing) herbaceous plants, cultivated with a long history, is a famous medicinal plant, has the effect of activating blood circulation, dredging channels, removing stasis and relieving pain. Safflower oil is suitable for various types of atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, heart failure and other diseases. As a result, consumption of safflower at home and abroad has soared. However, in the cultivation process of safflower, some production factors were neglected, resulting in low yield of safflower.

Land selection and preparation

1. Safflower has strong adaptability. It can be planted at an altitude below 2100 meters in our county. It likes warm, dry and sunny climate, drought resistance, cold resistance, avoid high temperature and high humidity. It is suitable for sandy soil with medium fertility and good drainage. It is not suitable to plant on clay with low water accumulation.

2. Soil preparation: Autumn planting is selected for planting safflower in our county, and soybean, peanut, flue-cured tobacco and corn are suitable for previous crops. When preparing the land, it is only necessary to deeply turn the plot, remove dead branches and weeds, finely divide the soil, and make the soil flat; the paddy field can adopt the no-tillage planting method.

Timely sowing and reasonable close planting

1. Adjust the sowing date Safflower belongs to long-day plants, different sowing dates yield different, early sowing yield is high, late sowing yield is low, so sowing should be early rather than late. Safflower seedlings are cold-resistant and can withstand low temperatures of-6.6℃, and individual varieties can withstand low temperatures of-15℃. Therefore, safflower sowing is generally in early October; cold mountain dryland can be sown in mid and late September, that is, digging "corn feet" before corn harvest.

2, seed treatment in order to ensure high and stable yield, to ensure that the seedlings are strong is the key, for this, the seeds need to be soaked in clean water for 6-8 hours to fully absorb water, to ensure emergence. 1-2 kg per mu.

3. Reasonable close planting

Plant spacing is 6 - 7 inches, row spacing is 9 - 1 inch, pond depth is 2-3 inches, 3-4 seeds are sown in each pond to ensure 10,000 - 13,000 plants per mu, 2 plants are reserved in each pond to protect the mu effectively in 20,000 - 26,000 plants, but appropriate adjustments should be made according to the following conditions:

(1)Dry land or irrigated land dry land should be planted sparsely, especially in years of lack of rain, too dense may reduce production.

(2)Sowing late, appropriate dense planting, early sowing, appropriate sparse planting.

(3)Half a row must be left out every four rows so that flowers can be picked in the field.

Special attention needs to be paid when sowing is that the base fertilizer seeds must be placed separately. Base fertilizer can be used 15 kg compound fertilizer or 5 kg urea per mu (in order to ensure seedling emergence, chemical fertilizer is generally not applied as base fertilizer, and it is used as topdressing after seedling is complete), and 1000 kg farm manure per mu. The depth of soil covering shall not exceed 2 inches. In principle, appropriate vibration pressure shall be required when covering soil, which is more conducive to seedling emergence.

intertillage management

1. Thinning seedlings: plant according to the specifications of plant spacing 6-7 inches and row spacing 9 inches-1 foot. After the seedlings are complete, only 2 plants will be left in each pond. Remove the weak seedlings or too large and too small plants, and retain the middle plants.

2. Reasonable irrigation

Safflower has a strong root system and can absorb water from deep soil. It can still harvest without irrigation, but the highest yield of safflower is obtained under irrigation. The seed yield of safflower irrigated for 1, 2, 3 and 4 times is higher than that of no irrigation by 29%, 44%, 58% and 76% respectively. Because the aboveground part and underground part of safflower are very sensitive to water, irrigation technology is also the key to the success of safflower cultivation. If there is improper irrigation, even in arid areas with precipitation of only 29.4 mm, a large number of safflower deaths can be caused by excessive irrigation. Therefore, irrigation must be cautious. The following points should be paid attention to technically:

(1)Before irrigation, check the moisture status of the soil. If the subsoil where the safflower roots reach is still wet, do not irrigate.

(2)If rain is forecast for 2 - 3 days, it is best not to water temporarily.

(3)Safflower is sensitive to moisture at all growth stages except seedling stage. Sprinkler irrigation is easy to cause rust and blight, flood irrigation is easy to cause root rot, which must be avoided. Furrow irrigation must be used, preferably alternate furrow irrigation, which saves water and is the safest.

(4)After irrigation, it is necessary to dredge the drainage system in time to avoid ponding in case of rain.

(5)The last watering should be done 5 days before 95% of the bulbs bloom.

3. Fertilizer management

Safflower is known for its drought tolerance, saline-alkali tolerance and barren tolerance. Therefore, most growers in safflower planting areas plant safflower in low fertility soil. Most growers mistakenly believe that safflower does not need to apply more fertilizer; on the contrary, some growers apply more fertilizer to obtain high yield of safflower, which also results in increased yield but no income.

The fertilizer demand of safflower generally depends on the natural fertility of the soil, moisture status, sowing time, etc. When the soil is fertile, no or less nitrogen fertilizer can be applied. Generally, for the medium and low fertility soil with irrigation conditions, 5-8 kg urea shall be applied after seedling determination, and 10-15 kg urea shall be applied per mu until the bud stage. Dry land without irrigation conditions, can not apply nitrogen fertilizer (can also be applied before heavy rain urea 5~10kg per mu, or urea mixed with water irrigation); apply trace fertilizer to safflower, yield increase effect is obvious, generally from the bud, spray once every 7~10 days, can choose potassium dihydrogen phosphate, organic calcium fertilizer, liquid multi-element potassium fertilizer, potassium sulfate, boron sulfate and other trace fertilizers, spray 3~4 times in total.

4. Disease control

① Rust: high humidity is conducive to the occurrence of rust, spores spread with the wind, winter with winter spores and winter spore piles on the diseased body, in late spring and early summer when low temperature or moderate temperature and high humidity infected leaf surface, causing leaf death. Control method: seed treatment, dressing seeds with 15% triadimefon, the dosage is 0.2%~0.4% of the seed amount; clean the countryside, burn the diseased bodies intensively, and implement rotation for more than 2~3 years; chemical control, spraying fungicides in time at the early stage of disease, spraying once every 7~10 days for 2~3 consecutive times, alternately spraying with 20% triadimefon emulsifiable solution 0.1% solution, Bomei 0.3° stone sulfur mixture and other chemicals.

2 Fusarium wilt: Fusarium wilt is also called root rot. The pathogen mainly harms the roots. At the initial stage of disease, brown spots appear on the rhizome, pink sticky matter appears on the surface of the stem base, which eventually leads to the decay of the basal cortex and fibrous roots, causing plant death. Light disease loss of 1~2 into, serious disease can be destroyed the whole field. Control methods: rotation should be strictly carried out without continuous cropping, soil drainage should be kept in good condition; diseased plants should be pulled out and burned in time, and diseased holes should be disinfected with lime; litter and weeds in the field should be removed to eliminate overwintering pathogens; roots should be irrigated with 50% carbendazim and 50% dixon 0.17%~0.20% solution.

5. Cultivate soil: After safflower stems are extracted, there are many branches in the upper part, which is easy to lodge, so cultivate soil in early March.

6. Topping: When the safflower plant is 20-30 cm high, pinch off the terminal bud, promote the increase of branches, increase the number of buds, and improve the yield of safflower.

harvesting and processing

Safflower after sowing, generally 4-5 months flowering, the initial stage of *, then into orange *, can be picked, a bud can be picked 3-5 times, lose no time to pick is the key to safflower yield. After picking safflower, place ventilated dry place to dry. After 15-20 days of flower picking, the seeds are ripe and can be harvested and seeded.