
The latest course of High-yield planting techniques of Bupleurum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bupleurum is one of 40 varieties of bulk medicinal materials, with an annual demand of more than 3 million kilograms. It has the characteristics of high medicinal value, good development prospects, stable market and so on. The wild resources of Bupleurum are exhausted, and because of the high technical content, it is difficult to meet the market demand.

Bupleurum is one of the 40 species of bulk medicinal materials, the annual demand is more than 300 million kg, it has high medicinal value, development prospects, stable market characteristics. Bupleurum chinense L. wild resources are exhausted. Because of its high technical requirements, it is difficult to meet the market demand. Its price has been running at a high price. Since 1996, it has been between 20~30 yuan. At present, the market price is 28~32 yuan/kg. Bupleurum chinense L. invested in that year has yielded results. The yield per mu is generally 150~200 kg. The high yield in two years can reach 300 kg. According to the market price of 30 yuan/kg, the benefit per mu is about 5000 yuan. Another 15 kg Bupleurum chinense L. seed can be collected. The benefit per mu is more than 6000 yuan. The accumulated cost of planting Bupleurum chinense except seeds, working hours, labor, land and fertilizer is 1000 yuan, and the general net profit is about 5000 yuan, which is more than 10 times that of planting other grain crops.

Planting characteristics

Bupleurum chinense is affected by its own factors, so it is better to plant it in winter or early spring. The reasons are: (1) The life span of Bupleurum species is relatively short. Scientific experiments show that after harvesting Bupleurum chinense seeds, the germination rate within 3 months is 85%, and the germination rate within 6 months is 50%. With the passage of time, the germination rate is getting lower and lower. (2)The temperature requirements are stricter. Bupleurum chinense L. is suitable for germination at 10~20℃, and its germination rate decreases to 30% at 25℃, 20% at 30℃, and zero at 35℃. (3)Seeds small, seed surface has a layer of cutin, planted in the ground generally 20 days before germination. (4)It is better to use natural protection methods. The so-called anti-natural method, that is, winter planting, spring germination, temperature to the natural protection of constant temperature, the effect is particularly good and do not cover grass.

soil preparation

Bupleurum is cold-resistant, drought-tolerant, but bogey water immersion. Into the appropriate selection of deep fertile soil layer, loose soil, good drainage and irrigation of sandy loam. Before sowing Bupleurum chinense, soil is deeply ploughed, leveled and raked, combined with soil preparation, 2000 - 3000 kg of decomposed farm manure, 10 - 15 kg of diammonium or 20 - 30 kg of phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer are applied per mu.

cultivation techniques

Bupleurum chinense is mainly propagated by seeds. Generally, it can be sown in winter and spring, but it is better to sow in winter. The early emergence of spring is uniform. Winter sowing should be carried out from November to early December. The seed amount per mu is 3~4 kg. Seed treatment should be done before sowing. Bupleurum chinense seeds are small and have a layer of cutin on the surface of seeds. Generally, cutin can be degraded after sowing. It is easy to affect normal emergence on time, so that the emergence is incomplete. After seed selection, it can be soaked in warm water. Appropriate amount of washing powder can be added. After gently scrubbing, wash the washing powder with clean water and dry it for sowing. When sowing, mix the seeds with fine loess and plant ash, and then spread them. Sowing methods can be used in two ways: trenching and sowing or sowing. When trenching and sowing, fertilizer can be put into the ditch first. When sowing seeds, the cover soil should not be too thick, and the soil alone should not exceed 0.5 inches thick. Sowing can be done on the level ground, mixed seeds can be evenly spread on the surface of the field, artificial shallow cover can be used after sowing, the field after sowing can be irrigated with water, soil can be filled, and the field can be properly suppressed. After spring can emerge, spring sowing method is the same as winter sowing, but need to cover grass moisture.

field management

After complete seedling emergence, combine fertilization, shallow loosening once, seedling length 1~2 inches, should be combined with weeding to thin seedlings, pull out too dense small thin seedlings, leave seedlings according to plant spacing 1~2 inches, row spacing 5~6 inches to determine seedlings, in the separation of sin can be applied calcium superphosphate 20 kg, ammonium sulfate 10~15 kg, in the row trenching topdressing, and then cover the soil tightly, in the flowering bud stage, can spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate 4~5 kg, for root topdressing, promote fruit set fruit, When there is too much rain, it is necessary to drain the ditch in time to reduce the humidity in the field and prevent rotten roots. Attention should be paid to the harm of diseases and insect pests during the whole growth period. Generally, the underground pests should be mainly controlled. Insecticidal dan and bisultap powder can be used. 100~200 grams can be used per mu. Mix well with soil. Sow in the field when sowing to prevent underground pests such as cutworms, grubs and insects. Aphids and insects occurring during the growth period. Insect pests such as leaf green insects can be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon or 40% omethoate emulsion 200 times liquid and pesticides such as dichlorid and kuaishaling.

harvesting and processing

Collection of stems, seeds and medicinal roots of Bupleurum chinense. For the collection of stems and seeds, when the seeds appear yellow and black, and the leaves are all withered, the stems and seeds can be cut off together, threshed, dried separately, properly preserved, and sold later. The collection of medicinal roots should generally be carried out after two years. The collected medicinal roots can be dug up manually. All medicinal roots can be dug out, and cannot be directly pulled out to prevent root cutting from affecting the yield to increase income. The medicinal roots should be sorted and arranged in a uniform size, tied into small handles. Dry and sell.