
The latest course of cultivation techniques and methods of Tiannanxing

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tiannanxing, alias Nanxing and Bai Nanxing, is a perennial herb of Araceae. It is used for medicine with globular tubers. It tastes bitter, pungent, warm, and has the functions of dispersing wind and resolving phlegm, relieving spasm and eliminating clonus, dispersing knots and detumescence. Main treatment of stroke, hemiplegia, askew of mouth and eye, phlegm salivation on the upper wall,

Tiannanxing, alias Nanxing and Bai Nanxing, is a perennial herb of Araceae. It is used for medicine with globular tubers. It tastes bitter, pungent, warm, and has the functions of dispersing wind and resolving phlegm, relieving spasm and eliminating clonus, dispersing knots and detumescence. Main treatment of stroke, hemiplegia, mouth and eye deviation, phlegm salivation on the wall, tetanus, limb ankylosis, convulsions and other diseases. The bulbous tuber is used for medicine, and its cultivation is mainly tuber propagation. The small and medium-sized tubers collected in the autumn of the same year are planted and planted in the spring of the next year when the temperature rises to about 5 ℃. Field management is mainly fertilizer, irrigation and drainage, removal of flowers and moss and pest control and so on.

Tiannanxing is a perennial herb with a plant height of 40-90 cm, a tomb oblate and a yellowish brown coat. A leaf emerges from the top of the block, the petiole is cylindrical, fleshy, erect as a stem, the lower part is sheathed, and the base is covered with a transparent membranous long sheath with green-white or scattered purple spots; the leaf blade radiates into 7-23 pieces and radiates from the top of the petiole in the shape of an umbrella. Lobes technical shape, the apex is mostly awn-shaped and weak, all green smooth and glabrous. Inflorescences of fleshy spikes, inside large sheath-like bracts of steamed buns, peduncle apex showing a long tail, protruding outside bracts. Dioecious. Berries ovoid, red. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from July to August.

Tiannanxing likes moist, loose and fertile soil and environment. Tiannanxing likes water and fertilizer, and its tuber is not freeze-resistant, but from the seedlings planted in the germinating year, the seedlings have only three leaflets in the first year, and the number of leaflets increases gradually after the second and third years, and is more resistant to cold. Artificial cultivation should be intercropped with long-stalk crops, or choose shady forest, green and valley environment, and loose, fertile and well-drained yellow sand should be the best soil. Low-lying and poorly drained plots are not suitable for planting.

Breeding method of Artemisia angustifolia

Tuber propagation is mainly used, and seed propagation can also be used.

1. Tuber propagation: after harvesting Tiannanxing tubers from September to October, the medium and small tubers with robust, intact and pest-free tubers were selected, dried and stored in the cellar for planting. The digging capacity is about 1.5 meters, and the size depends on how many seeds are planted, and the temperature in the cellar should be kept at about 5 mi 10 degrees. When the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, it is easy to suffer frost injury, and when the temperature is higher than 10 degrees, it is easy to sprout earlier. It is usually taken out and planted in the spring of the following year. Autumn planting can also be carried out before freezing. Spring planting, from late March to early Cenyue, on the finished border surface, dig holes according to row spacing of 20-25 cm, plant spacing of 14-16 cm, hole depth of 4-6 cm. Then, put the bud head up and put it into the hole, 1 piece per hole. After planting, it was covered with soil fertilizer and fine fruit, and some of them were irrigated by drought for one time. The seedlings can emerge in about half a month. Large tubers can be cut in half or several pieces longitudinally, as long as each piece has a robust bud head, it can be used for planting. But after cutting, the wound should be mixed with plant ash in time to avoid decay. Small tubers planted after tuber cutting should be shallowly covered with soil; large tubers are deep and need to be planted about 45 kg per mu and 20 kg per mu.

2. Seed propagation: the seed hand of Tiannanxing ripens in early August. After the red berries are collected, they are scrubbed and washed in clean water to remove the pulp. The seeds are removed and sowed in autumn immediately. On the whole seedbed, dig a shallow ditch according to the row spacing of 15-20 cm, insert the seed evenly into the ditch, and cover the soil with the border surface. After sowing, heat once through water, and then often keep the bed moist, and seedlings can emerge in about 10 days. Cover the border with barnyard manure in winter to keep warm, which is beneficial to the seedlings overwintering. After the seedlings were unearthed in the following spring, the stable fertilizer was pressed into the fire bed as fertilizer. When the height of the seedlings was 6-9 cm, the seedlings were fixed according to the plant spacing of 12-1 cm. The surplus seedlings can be transplanted separately.

Planting technology

L, soil preparation and fertilization: after selecting the land, turn the soil 20-25 cm deep in autumn, apply rotten stable manure or compost 3000-5000 kg per mu, turn it into the soil as base fertilizer, and then shallow ploughing three times before planting, and then, fine rake flat to form a 1.2m high or flat border, surrounded by a good drainage ditch, the border surface is in the shape of a tortoise back.

2. Transplanting: from April to early May in spring, when the seedlings are as high as 6cm and 9cm, choose a cloudy day. The young seedlings with strong growth were slightly put on the ball and transplanted to the field according to the row spacing of 20 X 15 cm. Watering the roots once after planting to facilitate survival.

Field management

1, loosen soil, weed, topdressing: seedling height 6-9 cm, the first time to loosen soil and weed, should be shallow rather than deep, as long as rake loose topsoil. After hoeing, the thin human and animal manure water was applied once, 1000-1500 kg per mu, or 30 kg compound fertilizer per mu; the second time in the middle and late June, the soil could be properly deepened, and the topdressing was finished once, and the weight was the same as the previous one. The third time was in the vigorous growth period of Tiannanxing in late July, combined with weeding and loosening soil, topdressing 1500-2000 kg manure per mu or 40-50 kg compound fertilizer per mu, trenching between rows, and soil cover fertilizer was given after application; the fourth time in late August, combined with loosening soil and weeding, 10-20 kg urea per mu and 50 kg cake fertilizer were applied to increase yield.

2. Drainage and irrigation: Tiannanxing likes to be wet, always keep the soil moist after planting, watering frequently, pay attention to drainage in the rainy season, prevent stagnant water in the field, too much water, it is easy to make the seedling leaves yellow and affect the growth.

3. Picking flowers: when the spike is extracted from the sheath bract from May to June, the spike should be cut off in time in order to reduce the unnecessary consumption of nutrients and increase the yield.

4. Intercropping: after planting Tiannanxing, it grew slowly in the first two years, and intercropped corn or beans or other medicinal materials on the ridge according to the plant spacing of 30 cm. It can not only provide shade for the southern stars, but also increase economic benefits.

Pest control

The main results are as follows: 1. The virus disease is a whole plant disease. During the disease, the leaves of Nanxing produced yellow irregular mottles, which turned the leaves into mosaic symptoms, and at the same time, the leaves were deformed, wrinkled, curled and deformed, resulting in poor plant growth and leaf death in the later stage. Control methods: disease-resistant varieties must be selected for planting, such as selecting disease-free single plant in the field; ② increased application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to enhance plant disease resistance; ③ timely spraying to kill pests.

2. Hongtiane harms the leaves with larvae and bites into imperfections and cavities. When it is serious from July to August, it eats up the leaves. Control methods: when the larvae are young, ① sprays 90% trichlorfon 800 times solution to kill; ② avoid continuous cropping, but also avoid intercropping with medicinal materials of the same family, such as Pinellia ternata, konjac, etc.

3. Red spider, good grain and other pests are controlled according to conventional methods.

Harvest and processing

It was harvested in late September and early October. Too late, the Nanxing tuber is difficult to remove the epidermis. When digging, pick up the tuber on a sunny day and remove the soil, residual stem and fibrous root. Then, put it into the basket, put it in the running water, wash off the skin repeatedly with a big bamboo broom and wash off the impurities. Uncleaned tubers can be scraped off the outer skin with a bamboo knife. Then, fumigate with sulfur, for every 100 kg of fresh Nanxing tuber, 0.5 kg of sulfur is needed. In order to smoke through the heart, and then take out the sun-dried, that is to become a commodity. After sulfur fumigation, the tuber can remain white and not easy to mildew and deteriorate. The whole plant of Tiannanxing is poisonous. when processing tubers, you should wear rubber gloves and masks to avoid contact with the skin to avoid poisoning.

Output and quality

1. The yield is generally 250-350 kg per mu, with a discount rate of 30%.

2. The best quality is large, white, pink and without impurities.