
The latest tree honeysuckle planting technology tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tree-type honeysuckle excessive long branches less, mostly naked buds are also short flower branches, large water fertilizer is not excessive long branches vine. Internodes short, mostly flowering from first internode, erect at 45 ° angle to ground. It grows fast and can grow to 0.5 cm thick in 50 days. Harvesting saves labor and yields traditional varieties

The tree-type honeysuckle has few long branches, most of the naked buds are also short flower branches, and the big water and fat do not grow branches. Internode short, mostly flowering from the first Internode, erect at an angle of 45 degrees to the ground. It grows fast and can grow to 0.5 cm thick in 50 days. The harvest saves labor, and the yield is twice that of the traditional variety. Tree-type honeysuckle not only shows high yield, high quality and other economic characters, but also has strong adaptability and stress resistance, thick stems and leaves, thick green leaves, strong photosynthesis, thick and long hairs of stems and leaves, especially thick and long villi of young leaves, extremely resistant to winter round-tailed aphid, thick wax layer of leaves, well-developed root system, strong drought resistance and barren resistance, strong soil and water conservation, wind prevention and sand fixation.

Planting technology

1. Land selection and preparation

To plant honeysuckle, you can use barren slopes, the edge of the ground, ditches, sporadic plots in front and back of the house, or you can choose a good place to plant. First turn the land deeply, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, level off and rake fine for high border or high ridge planting.

2. Transplanting

It is carried out before germination in early spring or during dormancy in autumn and winter. On the whole planting ground, dig holes according to row spacing of 100 cm and plant spacing of 60 cm, and mix 5 kg of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer with the subsoil in each hole. Then, one strong seedling was planted in each hole, and the fine soil was compacted and watered thoroughly. Strengthening the field management of honeysuckle is the main link of high yield. Field cultivation management generally includes rational arrangement of population structure, ploughing and weeding, fertilization and watering, pest control and so on. The related contents of early close planting, pruning and shaping, conventional ploughing and weeding, fertilization and watering, etc., can be used by producers in field management.

Management technology

1. Reasonable close planting

The rationalization of honeysuckle population structure is generally through close planting in the early stage (1111 trees per mu) and later trimming and transplanting to maximize the overall benefit of the competition for light, temperature, water, air and fertilizer, so as to improve the ventilation and light transmittance and water and fertilizer utilization efficiency of the population. to rationalize plant population structure and density. Reasonable close planting generally refers to the reasonable close planting in the early stage.

2. Ploughing and weeding

After transplanting survived, ploughing and weeding 3 or 4 times a year or plastic film mulching management in spring (before germination, weeding, herbicide, plastic film mulching), plastic film mulching can reduce intertillage weeding, increase soil temperature and increase yield. The first time of weeding was in spring, the second time was in June, the third time was from July to August, and the fourth time was in late autumn and early winter. After weeding, soil should be cultivated in the rhizosphere of the plant to facilitate overwintering. When ploughing, it should be shallow around the plant rhizosphere and a little deeper in the distance, so as to avoid root injury, otherwise it will affect the growth of the plant root system. After the third year, depending on the growth of weeds, the times of weeding in intertillage can be reduced appropriately.

3. Topdressing

Topdressing should be carried out every year after germination in early spring and after picking flower buds every year. Apply rotten human and animal manure water or ammonium sulfate, urea and other nitrogen fertilizer (fermented chicken manure and compound fertilizer is better) in spring and summer, open a shallow ditch next to the plant, cover soil and cover fertilizer; in winter, each pier is treated with rotten stable manure or compost 5 ~ 10kg, ammonium sulfate 100g, calcium superphosphate 200g, ring-shaped ditch around flower stump, soil cover fertilizer and soil cultivation, 5 cm thick.

4. Shaping and pruning

After transplanting, only one plant is planted in each hole, and the tree-shaped honeysuckle can automatically grow into an umbrella-shaped upright shrub. Specific methods of shaping and pruning: within 1-2 years after planting, the main purpose is to cultivate an upright and sturdy trunk. When the height of the trunk is 30cm to 40cm, cut off the top tip to promote the lateral bud to germinate into branches. After germination in the spring of the second year, 4 and 5 sturdy branches were left in the upper part of the trunk as the main branches, which were planted in two layers.

In winter, 5-6 pairs of buds are retained in the primary branch from the main branch, and the upper part is cut off. After that, in the secondary branches growing from the primary branch, 6-7 pairs of buds were retained and the upper part was cut off. Then pick the hook-shaped shoots from the flower branches growing from the secondary branches. If there is no such tender shoot, do not remove it. In general, the young branches with dense and short nodes and thin leaves germinated in the secondary branches or on the original old flower branches after spring are flower branches and should be retained. Through shaping and pruning, the honeysuckle tree becomes an umbrella-shaped shrub-shaped flower stump with sparse branches, uniform distribution, ventilation and light transmission, stout and upright trunk.

Because honeysuckle has the characteristics that new branches can develop into flower branches in the same year, through the above pruning measures, it can promote more new branches and form more buds, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing production. Winter pruning is carried out every year from Frosts Descent to before freezing, and old branches, disease and insect branches, thin and weak branches, long branches that cross and disturb the shape of trees should also be cut off, so that nutrients are concentrated on producing new branches and forming buds. After picking flowers in each crop, summer pruning is also carried out. After each pruning, topdressing should be done once. Winter pruning can also leave 3-4 pairs of buds per branch.

5. Drainage and irrigation water

In the case of dry weather or too much Rain Water during flowering, it will cause a large number of falling flowers, retting flowers, rupture of young flowers and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in irrigation and drainage in time.

6. Overwintering management

Honeysuckle can survive the winter naturally in most parts of our country, but when planting honeysuckle in cold areas such as Jilin, we should pay attention to protect the old branches. If the old branches are frozen to death, the new branches will be reissued the following year, resulting in less flowering and low yield. The specific method is before the ground is frozen, the old branches lie flat on the ground, cover the Artemisia grass 6cm thick, and then cover the grass with soil, you can survive the winter safely, and remove the mulch before germination in the following spring.

Pest control

1. Honeysuckle pest. Mainly aphids, which can be killed by the enemy.

2. Pest control. Powdery mildew (mainly in the south) does great harm to the leaves of Flos Lonicerae, so it is necessary to repair and reshape the leaves and improve the ventilation conditions. in addition, 1500 times solution of strychnine can be used for leaf spray. Other diseases and insect pests can be controlled by conventional methods.

Harvest and processing

The four seasons tree-shaped honeysuckle blossomed in the same year after transplanting. Generally pick the first stubble of flowers in early May, pick flowers every other month, can open five crops, until late October. The harvest period must be before the bud opens, when the bud changes from green to white, the upper part expands, and the lower part is blue, the honeysuckle picked is "two white flowers"; when the bud changes completely white, the flower is called "big white needle". The picked buds should be dried or dried in time, and do not pile up to become moldy. The general yield per mu is about 150-200 kg. The best products are those with dry body, no miscellaneous leaves, positive bud color and fragrant smell.

1. Sun drying

Choose more leeward, sunny, sunny flat or slate, sprinkle a thin layer of flowers in the morning, the same day to harvest, this method saves labor and time, but in case of wind, rainy days will affect the quality.

Baskets are often used for drying. A basket frame about 1.7 meters long, 0.7 meters wide and 5-7 centimeters high is made of wooden sticks, with sorghum straw or mat (sorghum straw is not peeled, mat is to be reused to facilitate water absorption) as the bottom. 2.5-3 kg per basket of fresh flowers. Place the basket north and south in a ventilated and sunny place and pad it high in the north. After the sun is 80% dry, you can pour it into the mat and turn it over. At night or in case of rain, you can put the basket in the courtyard, put two crossbars between the basket and cover the mat (or rain gear). When the bud reaches 80% dry, it must not be turned over, otherwise it will turn black and the quality will decline.

2. Drying

If carried out in the drying room, the main operating procedures are: pre-drying (room temperature 30 ℃) → loading (35 ℃, upper and lower baskets are exchanged every 2-3 hours) → heating and ventilation (40 ℃ ventilation, 5-10 hours, temperature 45-50 ℃, 5 minutes at a time, 10 hours later, rapid drying when the temperature rises to 55 ℃, a total of about 18 hours) → out of the Kang (1 hour before leaving the Kang, and ventilation When the temperature is below 10 ℃ and the honeysuckle is 80-90% dry, put the flower basket out to dry.

When drying, the drying room is generally built with two rooms, 6 meters long and 5 meters wide, and two stoves are repaired at one end of the house. the Longkang fire path is repaired in the room, and the roof leaves chimneys and skylights. 0.3 meters from the ground, a pair of vents are left opposite to the front and rear walls of each room, a steel bar or wood drying rack is arranged on each side 20 centimeters from the wall, and a 1.4 meter passage is left between the shelves. The frame is 5.6 meters long, 1.6 centimeters wide and 2.6 meters high. it is divided into 10 layers, the distance between layers is 20 centimeters, and the bottom layer is 40 centimeters away from the fire. There are 8 baskets of honeysuckle on each floor, and the distance between baskets is 10 centimeters.

Pre-bake before the flower, remove the indoor moisture and increase the temperature, when the room temperature rises to 35 ℃, the flowers can be installed, the thickness of the flowers is kept at 3-4 cm, put the basket neatly on the drying rack, close the doors and windows, plug the vents, bake, and change the position of the upper and lower baskets every 2-3 hours. After installing the honeysuckle, increase the fire immediately. When the room temperature is raised to about 40 ℃, the flowers begin to drain, and the skylight can be opened to discharge moisture. Within 5-10 hours, the room temperature should be kept at 45-50 ℃, open the stomata, so that moisture can be discharged quickly. If the temperature is not enough, some or all of the stomata can be blocked and ventilated when the indoor moisture is high, only about 5 minutes at a time. After 10 hours, most of the moisture of the flowers was discharged, and the room temperature reached 55 ℃. The honeysuckle dried quickly and lasted for 18 hours. About an hour before leaving the Kang, the fire is gradually reduced, and it has been ventilated all the time, and the temperature drops below 40 ℃. When you hold the top hand and make a sound, you can end the flower basket out.

No matter drying or drying, it should be baked again after 2 days to make it dry thoroughly. Anthracite briquette furnace drying method can also be used at present in Shandong producing area, flower growers mainly use basket drying method, only those with large production use drying chamber drying. Sulfur fumigation is commonly used in the processing plants of pharmaceutical companies, which should be prohibited now.