
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Schizonepeta tenuifolia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Schizonepeta tenuifolia, also known as mustard ear, is an annual herb of Labiatae. The dry aboveground part of Schizonepeta tenuifolia, also known as Schizonepeta tenuifolia, whose inflorescence is called the ear of Schizonepeta tenuifolia. It has the function of publishing, dispersing wind and penetrating rash, and stir-frying charcoal has the effect of stopping bleeding. Schizonepeta tenuifolia is rich in aromatic oil, and its content in leaves is the highest.

Schizonepeta tenuifolia, also known as mustard ear, is an annual herb of Labiatae. The dry aboveground part of Schizonepeta tenuifolia, also known as Schizonepeta tenuifolia, whose inflorescence is called the ear of Schizonepeta tenuifolia. It has the function of publishing, dispersing wind and penetrating rash, and stir-frying charcoal has the effect of stopping bleeding. Schizonepeta tenuifolia is rich in aromatic oil, with the highest content in leaves, delicious taste, deworming and sterilization, raw and cooked food, but mostly cold seasoning, and tender tips are generally used as summer seasoning.

Schizonepeta tenuifolia is one of the commonly used Chinese herbal medicines with broad market prospects, less investment and quick results. It is a good project for farmers to get rich. Please follow our editor to understand the planting technology of Schizonepeta tenuifolia.

Distribution characteristics of Schizonepeta tenuifolia

Schizonepeta tenuifolia is distributed in most parts of the country, mainly in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hebei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other places.

Schizonepeta tenuifolia is generally 70ml 100cm tall and has a strong aroma. Stem erect, quadrangular, purplish red at base, much branched distally. Leaves opposite, basal leaves stipitate or nearly barreless, pinnately parted into 5 pieces, lobes linear to linear polar needle, entire, both surfaces pilose, with concave glandular spots below, leaf veins inconspicuous. Verticillate inflorescences, many whorls crowded at the technical end into spikes, flowers small, lavender. Schizonepeta tenuifolia is very adaptable and likes sunshine. It often grows in a warm and humid environment, and the requirements for the soil are not strict. Generally, the soil can be planted, but a loose and fertile soil grows better and is afraid of stagnant water in the high temperature and rainy season.

Planting techniques of Schizonepeta tenuifolia

1. The choice of land

The nutrition of traditional Chinese medicine plants mainly comes from soil, so when choosing the planting base of traditional Chinese medicine, not only the adaptability of medicinal materials to ecological and climatic conditions, soil fertility and fertilizer supply characteristics should be considered, but also the heavy metals and toxic elements in soil should meet the national standards: ≤ 0.3mg / kg for cadmium, ≤ 0.3mg / kg for mercury and 30mg / kg for arsenic. Lead content ≤ 300mg / kg, chromium ≤ 200mg / kg, copper content ≤ 100mg / kg

The main pollutants sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the air do not exceed the second class standard stipulated by the national ambient air quality GB3095-1996.

The index of irrigation water should conform to the quality standard of farmland irrigation water: PH value of groundwater 6.85Mel 6.9, total hardness (CaCO3) 274Mel 352mg / L, Cl 69.9Mel 75.4mg / L, potassium permanganate index 1.86Mel 2.64mg / L, ammonia nitrogen 0.910mg / L, nitrate 0.08MUE 0.09mg / L, hexavalent chromium 0.002Mel 0.003mg / L.

It is better to choose flat, fertile, sunny, well-drained and irrigated soil.

2. Cultivation of the land

Because the planting of Schizonepeta tenuifolia is relatively dense, it is very inconvenient to apply fertilizer during the growing period, so after the land is selected, more base fertilizer should be applied. Generally, more than 1500-2000 kg of organic fertilizer such as compost, Jue fertilizer or smoked soil can be applied per mu. Note: the base fertilizer should be increased in the continuous cropping land. Nitrate nitrogen fertilizer, municipal solid waste, industrial waste and hospital garbage and feces are prohibited. Spread the base fertilizer evenly on the ground, and then carry out deep ploughing, the general ploughing depth is about 25 cm.

After deep turning, borders should be made according to topography and climatic conditions, flat terrain can be used as growth beds, undulating terrain can be shaped into short beds, more Rain Water in the south can be made into high beds, which is conducive to drainage, and Rain Water in the north can be made into flat beds less. Generally speaking, the width of the border should be 100 / 150 cm.

After the border is done, in order to improve the germination rate of seeds, the soil should be irrigated and collapsed, and the soil should be turned over shallowly after the soil is dry. 3% potassium mixed phosphorus granules can be applied before ploughing to prevent underground pests from causing harm to seeds and affecting the germination rate.

Ploughing the land should not be too deep, generally at 5mur6cm, and then leveled, so that the land can be sown at any time. After ploughing, rake repeatedly. Make sure the clods are fine and be sure to rake flat and fine. Prevent the soil clods and sundries embedded in the border from affecting the germination and root growth of Schizonepeta tenuifolia.

3. Propagation methods of Schizonepeta tenuifolia.

Schizonepeta tenuifolia is generally propagated with seeds and is usually sown in April. Before sowing, the seeds should be screened and the impurities and damaged seeds should be picked out to ensure the purity and germination rate of the seeds. Then soak the seeds in water for 24 hours, fish them out and air them to a ventilated and dry place, which can make the internal metabolism of the seeds, enhance the vigor of the seeds and improve the germination rate.

The seeds of Schizonepeta tenuifolia are fine. in order to make the seeds more uniform when sowing, do not make the seeds too dense and waste seeds, you can wait until the seed surface is anhydrous and mix with appropriate amount of fine sand or fine soil. the ratio of seeds to sand is generally 3:1, and then stir evenly before sowing.

In the border with tools along the border to open a ditch, generally the distance between the ditch is about 20 cm, the depth of the ditch is about 5 cm. When the seeds are sown into the ditch, the amount of seed used per mu is about 1 kg.

After sowing, cover the soil about 3 centimeters. Keep your feet a little firm, then hold them flat with an iron rake, so that the seeds are in close contact with the soil. Attention should be paid to shallow sowing, watering after sowing and keeping the soil moist on the border in order to facilitate seedling emergence. After sowing, it takes about 15 days for seedlings to emerge when the ground temperature is 16 mi 18 degrees. For example, if the ground temperature is 25 degrees at 19 mi m, and the humidity is suitable, it will take about 1 week to emerge seedlings, and pay attention to keeping the soil moist before and after emergence.