
The latest course of Polygonatum polygonatum planting techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Polygonatum polygonatum is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum polygonatum or Polygonatum polygonatum in Liliaceae. According to the different characteristics of medicinal materials, it is commonly known as chicken head Polygonatum. Ginger-shaped yellow essence. Huang Jing is flat in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effect of tonifying spleen and moistening lung, replenishing qi and nourishing yin. Polygonatum is mainly produced in Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi.

Polygonatum polygonatum is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum polygonatum or Polygonatum polygonatum in Liliaceae. According to the different characteristics of medicinal materials, it is commonly known as "chicken head Polygonatum". "ginger-shaped yellow essence". Huang Jing is flat in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effect of tonifying spleen and moistening lung, replenishing qi and nourishing yin. Rhizoma Polygonatum is mainly produced in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and other provinces. Polygonatum polygonatum is mainly produced in Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan, Anhui, Zhejiang and other provinces. Polygonatum yunnanensis is mainly produced in Guizhou and Guangxi. Yunnan and other provinces and regions.

Morphological characteristics

Rhizoma Polygonatum is a perennial herb, the rhizome is horizontal, fleshy, yellowish, the apex sometimes protrudes like a chicken's head, the stem is erect, 50-90 cm high. The leaves are verticillate, 6 pieces per round, linear-lanceolate, 8-color 15 cm long, 0.4 mi 1.6 cm wide, and the apex is curled. Flowers axillary, often 2 Mel 4 florets, pendulous, total pedicel 1 Mel 2 cm long; perianth tube-shaped, white to yellowish, 0.9 mi 1.2 cm long, apex 6-lobed, stamens 6, filaments shorter, 0.5 Mel 1 mm long, style 1.5 times as long as ovary, berries globose, black at maturity. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from July to September. The main characteristics of Polygonatum polygonatum are as follows: stem height 40 Mel 100 cm, leaves alternate, oval, ovate-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, 3 Mel veins 5. Pedicel: 7 pedicels arranged in umbellate shape on total pedicel; perianth yellowish green, 1.8 mi 2.5 cm long; filaments papillose or puberulent, apex dilated to saccate protuberances. The main characteristics of Polygonatum yunnanensis are as follows: the stem is 3 meters high, the top is often twining, the leaves are whorled, 8 in each round, linear to linear needle-shaped, 6 in length, 20 cm in length and 0.3 in width, and the apex is acuminate and rolled. Pedicel bearing 3 flowers, not umbellate; perianth pink, 1.8 mi 2.5 cm long, berries red when ripe.

Growth habit

Rhizoma Polygonatum is born in shady mountain shrubs and grass on the edge of the forest. it is hardy and the seedlings can survive the winter in the field, but it is not suitable to grow in dry areas. The seed germinates for a long time, the germination rate is 60% Mui 70%, and the seed life is 2 years.

Cultivation techniques

1. Land selection and land preparation

Choose moist and fully shaded plots, and the soil should be loam or sandy loam with loose texture and good water retention. Before sowing, first turn deeply once, combined with land preparation, apply farm manure 2000 kg per mu, turn into the soil as base fertilizer, and then rake fine leveling, make the border, the width of the border is 1.2m.

2. Mode of reproduction

① rhizome propagation: select 1-2-year-old plant rhizomes without diseases and insect pests in late autumn or early spring before and after late March, select the tender parts of the apex, cut into several segments, each section has 3mur4 sections, the wound is slightly dried, according to the row spacing of 22ml 24cm, the plant spacing is 10cm 16cm, the depth is 5cm, the soil is slightly suppressed and watered, and then watered every 3 times every 5 days to keep the soil moist. When planting at the end of autumn, cover some circle fertilizer and grass after freezing to keep warm.

② seed propagation: after the seeds matured in August, the mature and full seeds were selected for sand storage treatment immediately: 1 seed and 3 sand soil were mixed evenly. Store in a pit 30cm deep in the shade and keep it moist. To sift out the seeds in late March of the following year, sow the seeds evenly into the shallow ditch on the border surface according to the row spacing of 12: 15 cm, cover the soil with about 1.5 cm, water it slightly, and cover it with a layer of grass to moisturize. Remove the cover grass before emergence. When the seedling height is 6ml / 9cm, the seedlings can be planted in a dense place and transplant one year later. In order to meet the shading conditions for the growth of Polygonatum polygonatum, corn can be planted on the ridge.

3. Field management

In the early stage of growth, the weeds should be ploughed and weeded frequently, once a year in April, June, September and November, shallow hoe and proper soil cultivation should be carried out, and weeds should be pulled in the later stage. In case of drought or the need for timely watering in sunny and dry places. After the first three times of intertillage, 1500 kg of soil fertilizer was applied per mu, 50 kg of superphosphate and 50 kg of cake fertilizer were mixed well, and then ditched and applied between rows, and then covered with soil and covered with fertilizer. Huang Jing avoids water and shade, and should pay attention to drainage and intercropping corn.

Pest control

1. Black spot disease occurs more than in spring, summer and autumn, causing damage to leaves. Prevention and control methods: clear the garden during harvest and eliminate the disease and residue; spray 1-100 Bordeaux solution in the early stage, once every 7 days, 3 times in a row.

2. Grub: injure the larvae, harm the roots, bite off the seedlings or eat the roots of the seedlings, resulting in seedling breakage or root cavity, causing serious harm. Control methods: the seeds can be mixed with 75% phoxim EC according to 0.1% seed amount, or irrigated with 1000 times of 90% trichlorfon in the field.

Harvesting and processing

It is generally harvested in spring and autumn, and the harvest quality is good in autumn. After cultivation for 3-4 years, the aboveground parts are withered and harvested, the rhizomes are dug, the aboveground parts and whisker roots are removed, the soil is washed, steamed in the steamer to show oily moisture, it is taken out to be dried or dried, or boiled in water, and removed to dry or dry.

Seed retention technique

Rhizoma Polygonatum can be propagated by rhizome and seed, but it is better to use rhizome in production. In late autumn or late March in early spring, robust and disease-free plants can be selected to dig underground rhizomes as propagation materials and planted directly.